if pageCids exist, dont do this, because it's not possible to create page1 of new and old with only the partial best replies, the first page wouldn't be accurate, instead you should create:
no need to create post.replies.pagesCids.best because the first page with the cid of page 2 is already included in post.replies.pages.best so it would just waste a cid to announce
if all replies fit in 1 page, dont create reply page cids to reduce the amount of cids to announce
instead store all the replies only on post.replies.pages.best at the protocol level
and clientside, you can create all the other pages and add them to the Comment instance
so you could create:
post.replies.pages.best post.replies.pages.new post.replies.pages.newflat post.replies.pages.old post.replies.pages.oldFlat
if pageCids exist, dont do this, because it's not possible to create page1 of new and old with only the partial best replies, the first page wouldn't be accurate, instead you should create:
post.replies.pages.best post.replies.pagesCids.new post.replies.pagesCids.newflat post.replies.pagesCids.old post.replies.pagesCids.oldFlat
no need to create post.replies.pagesCids.best because the first page with the cid of page 2 is already included in post.replies.pages.best so it would just waste a cid to announce