Closed hvoss49 closed 10 months ago
I thought that this should run without any modification?? Or am I missing something?? Up-to-date TL23
\begin{filecontents}[force,noheader]{\jobname.bib} @Article{Baralic:2015:SPB, author = "{\Dh}orde Barali{\´c}", title = "A Short Proof of the {Bradley Theorem}", journal = "journal xyz", volume = "122", number = "4", pages = "381--385", month = apr, year = "2015", } \end{filecontents} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{biblatex} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \begin{document} \nocite{*} \printbibliography \end{document}
But there is a problem with parsing the {\Dh} for the given init.
[...] ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. l.29 } ? ) ! Undefined control sequence.
the relevant part of the bbl file:
\name{author}{1}{}{% {{hash=d796546dcade6647e0ebf09d43add286}{% family={Barali{\´c}}, familyi={B\bibinitperiod}, given={{\Dh}orde}, giveni={}\bibinitperiod}}}% }
Do you mean {\DH}? - that works fine.
Oh my dear ... I was blinded by the light ... thanks
I thought that this should run without any modification?? Or am I missing something?? Up-to-date TL23
But there is a problem with parsing the
for the given init.the relevant part of the bbl file: