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run tox -e coverage fails only locally? #221

Closed 1letter closed 7 months ago

1letter commented 7 months ago

i played a little bit with tox setup and plone/meta. i have setup a dummy testproject

this fails locally:

git clone
cd my.addon
python3 -m venv .
pip install tox
tox -e coverage

but if the gh-action coverage.yml provided by plone/meta is running, then all is fine.

the error traceback by running tox -e coverage:

coverage run-test: commands[1] | coverage run --branch --source my.addon /home/jan/Development/collective/my.addon/.tox/coverage/bin/zope-testrunner --quiet --all --test-path=/home/jan/Development/collective/my.addon/src -s my.addon
Total: 0 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors and 0 skipped in 0.000 seconds.
coverage run-test: commands[2] | coverage report -m --format markdown
No data to report.
ERROR: InvocationError for command /home/jan/Development/collective/my.addon/.tox/coverage/bin/coverage report -m --format markdown (exited with code 1)
________________________________________________________________________ summary ________________________________________________________________________
ERROR:   coverage: commands failed

What is the mistake by me?

1letter commented 7 months ago

sorry, my mistake. i close this. Everything works as it should.