plone / pastanaga-angular

Angular implementation of the Pastanaga UI
MIT License
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Pastanaga Angular

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Pastanaga Angular is an Angular implementation of Pastanaga design system offering a set of re-usable UI components which are covering typical needs of any web application. It is maintained by Plone and Guillotina communities. It aims to remain simple, and pays particular attention to:

See for usage examples and developer guide.

Table of content



You can install Pastanaga-angular using its npm package:

But if you want to build your own demo application using pastanaga demo components, you need to install it using mrs-developer:

Note: By default, missdev will install the dependencies in src/dev folder. If you're in a workspace with a mono-repository structure (using nx for instance), then you probably want to install pastanaga-angular in your libs folder. You can do so by using missdev --output option:

missdev --output=../libs


Style preprocessing

Pastanaga-angular requires two files (pastanaga-core-overrides.scss and pastanaga-component-overrides.scss) to be in the src folder of any project using it. In order for those files to be found during the compilation, you have to add src folder in style preprocessing options of angular.json:

    "stylePreprocessorOptions": {
        "includePaths": [


Pastanaga-angular is using Poppins fonts and Quanta glyphs.

If you want to use the same fonts and glyphs sprite, declare Pastanaga assets in angular.json:

Core style

Import Pastanaga core style in your application style (usually src/styles.scss):



If you want to use Pastanaga fonts in your application, you need to

Overriding theme

Any project using pastanaga-angular must have two files (pastanaga-core-overrides.scss and pastanaga-component-overrides.scss) in their src folder. Keep those file empty if you want to use Pastanaga theme.

If you have your own theme, you can override pastanaga theme by overriding the tokens in these two files:

Pastanaga theme is defined in src/lib/styles/theme folder. Any variable with !default suffix can be overwritten.

Pastanaga theme is built around token. For example, _palette.token.scss contains all the colors used in Pastanaga with general token names (e.g. $color-neutral-regular, $color-primary-stronger). See the full list in

Then, some components have a second layer of tokens. For example buttons have a list of tokens for each aspect and kind (e.g. $color-text-button-primary-solid, $color-background-button-primary-solid,…). So you can have your own theme by overwriting the whole color palette or just by changing some aspects of some components.

Migration guide version 1.x to version 2.x

Module names

In Pastanaga 2+, we prefix all modules with Pa: ButtonModule becomes PaButtonModule.

Components common properties

Pastanaga now contains some useful types for properties configuring several components:


We changed the way to configure buttons:

See for full documentation.


pa-icon is now using a svg sprites to display icons by name. You can still provide a full path to display any other image though.

See for full documentation.

Form elements

We changed form elements hierarchy: now they are all in the same place under controls folder. They still belong to two distinct modules (PaTextFieldModule and PaTogglesModule).

All controls are sharing some properties: