plusmultiply / mprm

Multi-Path Region Mining For Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation on Point Clouds
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loading scannet "keyerror" #6

Open ooodragon94 opened 3 years ago

ooodragon94 commented 3 years ago

hello! Want to ask for some help while loading .ply data I tried to load .ply data with "read_ply" function and it gave me keyerror

<ipython-input-17-c43e6f65c260> in parse_header(plyfile, ext)
     40             line = line.split()
     41             print(line)
---> 42             properties.append((line[2].decode(), ext + ply_dtypes[line[1]]))
     44     return num_points, properties

KeyError: b'list'

any help on this? thanks a lot!

starrism-yu commented 2 years ago

Hi, Have you solved this problem? I have the same problem. Can you give me some help? thanks a lot !!!

ooodragon94 commented 2 years ago

No.. I have not. It was too far away for me and I was merely able to debug anything that time

However, looking at the error function it might be the binary file that is causing error you might want to see if it is line[2].decode() that is making the error or ply_dtypes[line[1]] that is making the error and start debugging from there probably will work without b? I'm not so sure.