Closed abhijitmajumdar closed 5 years ago
Testing: Build: Success Camera IR RGB: Success Product integration: Success
Looks good. I can only check whether the sync is cleanly done or not, and I confirmed it is done fine as follows.
Took a diff of commits in 2 branches, between 2.2.3
and abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync
. While there are 7 commits that only exist in your brnach, looks like the real change is the first 2 commits (the ones at the bottom of the list below).
$ git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative 2.2.3..abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync
* 3e326df - (HEAD -> abhijit_por_upstream_sync, abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync) merging upstream changes from v2.2.3 to add important feature f002a7b and eea5b15 (2 days ago)
* 139478b - (tag: 100.1.0, origin/por_upstream_sync, por_upstream_sync) 100.1.0 (4 days ago)
* 78ef4d6 - POR: sync pkg version in a repo so that catkin_prepare_release can run. (4 days ago)
* da86f9d - Update changelog for 100.1.0, Plus One Robotics forked version. (4 days ago)
* 274beb1 - Merge pull request #21 from abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync (4 days ago)
* 9cab3ec - removed debug (not used) code (5 days ago)
* 34b75c8 - (abhijitmajumdar/infrargb_2.2.1) working irrgb stream (2 weeks ago)
There's no new commit in 2.2.3.
$ git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync..2.2.3
Looks good. I can only check whether the sync is cleanly done or not, and I confirmed it is done fine as follows.
Took a diff of commits in 2 branches, between
. While there are 7 commits that only exist in your brnach, looks like the real change is the first 2 commits (the ones at the bottom of the list below).$ git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative 2.2.3..abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync * 3e326df - (HEAD -> abhijit_por_upstream_sync, abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync) merging upstream changes from v2.2.3 to add important feature f002a7b and eea5b15 (2 days ago) * 139478b - (tag: 100.1.0, origin/por_upstream_sync, por_upstream_sync) 100.1.0 (4 days ago) * 78ef4d6 - POR: sync pkg version in a repo so that catkin_prepare_release can run. (4 days ago) * da86f9d - Update changelog for 100.1.0, Plus One Robotics forked version. (4 days ago) * 274beb1 - Merge pull request #21 from abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync (4 days ago) * 9cab3ec - removed debug (not used) code (5 days ago) * 34b75c8 - (abhijitmajumdar/infrargb_2.2.1) working irrgb stream (2 weeks ago)
There's no new commit in 2.2.3.
$ git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative abhijitmajumdar/por_upstream_sync..2.2.3 $
So I did end up making a new change, it does not affect the functionality, just modifies some code to indicate a cleaner logic implementation
@abhijitmajumdar The MR looks good enough to eat.
@abhijitmajumdar So, I couldn't find the launch file params for publishing an infrared image with color correction.
So, I couldn't find the launch file params for publishing an infrared image with color correction.
@joshuaplusone Do you still have access to Gitlab? I could point you to the launch file. Or should I just attach a file here?
So there is no param that publishes the IR with Color yet, as of now, the code itself defaults to use RGB for the IR and the configuration I use to run the realsense is:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_rgbd.launch enable_fisheye:=false enable_infra2:=false enable_gyro:=false enable_accel:=false filters:=colorizer,disparity,spatial,decimation,pointcloud,hole_filling enable_pointcloud:=true
The IR with RGB gets published as /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw
Thanks for the heads up. So are there plans to add that back in for another PR. There used to be a synchronization bug that would cause the rgb / infrared results to skip frames. For noether we bypassed that by just using the depth frame without any synchronization.
So maybe I explained wrong. The IR with color gets published with this PR, there is currently no option to revert that back(or a switch for that matter) right now. So the IR defaults to a color stream. There are plans to add this switch in a future PR. The RGB support for the IR stream was included in the librealsense
driver itself. The edits I made in this code are only to enable that in the ROS wrapper.
However I do not know anything about the bug which caused the frames to skip. When run using this code, and with the configuration I mentioned above, I am able to reliably get 30Hz on each stream. I did also configure the frames to go upto 60Hz, but I could subscribe to around 45Hz (which is I think expected given the bandwidth of 3 streams - IR, Color and Depth comming through)
Am I missing something?
Is it possible to only publish ir and depth?
This MR is fine in my book. My only concerns are based on whether or not intel has fixed their synchronization issues. If they haven't then we will need to have a way to only publish ir image and depth pointcloud.
Is it possible to only publish ir and depth?
Yes, except the colorizer
would have to be disabled or switched to use another color stream. Also the /depth/color/points
would not publish or they'd have to be configured to use another stream which can be done using an argument pointcloud_texture_stream:=RS2_STREAM_INFRARED
This MR is fine in my book. My only concerns are based on whether or not intel has fixed their synchronization issues. If they haven't then we will need to have a way to only publish ir image and depth pointcloud.
Can you explain what the synchronization bug was? Maybe I could answer your question
there are two pull requests that I believe for using infrargb without color.
test name score : message
---------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------
depth_w_cloud_1 OK :
points_cloud_1 OK :
depth_avg_decimation_1 OK :
non_existent_file OK : 'num_channels'
align_depth_color_1 OK :
align_depth_ir1_1 FAILED : 'num_channels'
vis_avg_2 OK :
depth_avg_1 OK :
static_tf_1 FAILED : Tf is None for couple camera_infra1_frame->camera_color_frame
depth_decimation_1 FAILED : 'num_channels'
align_depth_ir1_decimation_1 FAILED : 'num_channels'
This PR is to update sync with upstream for
. The key features required were form the commitsf002a7b
to add the fix to load default params from ros param server on startup, and the addition ofhole filling filter
as a separate filter.