pnlbwh / CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation

CNN based brain masking
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File exists error in mv #16

Closed tashrifbillah closed 4 years ago

tashrifbillah commented 4 years ago

Hi @SenthilCaesar ,

generates the following error when previous slicesdir_multi exists:

mv: cannot move ‘connectom/A/slicesdir’ to ‘connectom/A/slicesdir_multi/slicesdir’: File exists

The reason being, mv does not copy the content of slicesdir, rather moves the slicesdir folder to slicesdir_multi. If previous output exists, then mv fails. See the following simple example:

[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ mkdir top
[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ mkdir top/top-1
[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ touch top/top-1/abc.txt
[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ tree top
└── top-1
    └── abc.txt

[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ mkdir top-1
[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ touch top-1/abc.txt
[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ tree top
└── abc.txt

[tb571@pnl-z840-2 A]$ mv top-1 top
mv: cannot move ‘top-1/’ to ‘top/top-1’: File exists

I shall give you a solution for this.