podverse / podverse-rn

Podverse mobile app written in React Native for iOS, Android, and F-Droid
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
219 stars 36 forks source link

Enable playing downloaded audio files from outside of the app (add a local folder) #1418

Open mitchdowney opened 2 years ago

mitchdowney commented 1 year ago

@drenina also requested this feature: https://github.com/podverse/podverse-rn/issues/1792#issue-1689401741

Please add the ability to add a local folder to the podcasts. I have other mp3 files that I also want to listen to through Podverse, most podcatchers let you choose a local storage and scan this folder for new files.

adevries17 commented 12 months ago

@mitchdowney First want to say, thank you for all the hard work on making this application. I love it and have switched full time to using it on Android and the web. Second, I'd love this feature as well, whenever you have the time to implement it!

mitchdowney commented 12 months ago

@adevries17 glad you like the app! It's difficult to say when I can work on this one specifically as it will be quite a big change for our current setup. Hopefully I can focus on it sometime early 2024.