As an administrator
I want an edit photo page
So that I can change photos and their data for our garden
See the figma prototype and use the scenarios below to plan your work.
Note that the associated admin/gardens/:id/gallery page is in another ticket.
User Scenarios
Given I am on the admin gallery page (admin/gardens/:id/gallery)
When I click the settings button on a photo
Then I see the edit photo page (admin/gardens/:id/photos/:id/edit)
And the photo's data
Given I am on the edit photo page
When I click the Back to Gallery button
Then I am taken back to the admin gallery page
Given I am on the edit photo page
When I type text into title, description or url fields
Then I see the text
And an indication of the validity of the url (eg: "* Enter a valid image url" in red for a non-url)
Given I have typed a url that does not return an image into the url field
When I click on submit
Then I see a dialog saying that the url did not return a valid image format (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg or .webp)
Given I am on the edit photo page
And the photo url is valid
When I click on submit
Then the photo's title, description and url are updated in the db
And I am taken back to the admin gallery page
Back to gallery link is setup using react-router-dom
URL Path:
When the URL input is NOT valid, a red text warning appear on top of the text box upon submit. We believe this approach is clearer than changing the input text to be red.
As an administrator I want an edit photo page So that I can change photos and their data for our garden
See the figma prototype and use the scenarios below to plan your work.
Note that the associated admin/gardens/:id/gallery page is in another ticket.
User Scenarios
Given I am on the admin gallery page (admin/gardens/:id/gallery) When I click the settings button on a photo Then I see the edit photo page (admin/gardens/:id/photos/:id/edit) And the photo's data
Given I am on the edit photo page When I click the Back to Gallery button Then I am taken back to the admin gallery page
Given I am on the edit photo page When I type text into title, description or url fields Then I see the text And an indication of the validity of the url (eg: "* Enter a valid image url" in red for a non-url)
Given I have typed a url that does not return an image into the url field When I click on submit Then I see a dialog saying that the url did not return a valid image format (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg or .webp)
Given I am on the edit photo page And the photo url is valid When I click on submit Then the photo's title, description and url are updated in the db And I am taken back to the admin gallery page