pokusio / opensuzie-oci-library

OCI image library of Pokus' Devops factory for running https://github.com/SUSE/Portus, built upon fixes for https://github.com/openSUSE/docker-containers
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Pokus! Portus : The OCI container images library


I have started working with Portus in November 2019, and very soon, ended up fixing multiple issues with helps and support from other community users like :

You may read examples of those issues here : https://github.com/SUSE/Portus/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+lasselle

All in all, we had many problems, most of them becoming hellfests because of lack of industrialization, or communication on it.

So I finally decided to re-design the whole devops factory for portus.

This repo is one of the many repo required to run that Devops factory.

What is this

This repo contains all defintions of :

Versioning rules


Release 0.0.1 : Bill Of Material

Purpose of this Release : sharing a finally successfully built portus:2.5 container

Here are the released (fixed) openSUSE Portus OCI container images :

Image name Component of Notes
opensuzie/portus:2.5 portus OpenSUSE Team publishes that with generic mame opensuse/portus:2.5

This release is therefore tagged portus-2.5

Tag marking the exact version from which the 0.0.1 relase of opensuzie/portus:2.5 : https://gitlab.com/pokus-io/opensuse/docker-containers/-/tags/DEVOPS_PORTUS_2.5_REPAIRMAN

How to use

Building a portus image

This image is used torun both the main portus server, and its background companion.

To build a release of that container, execute the following :

export SUZIE_OCI_LIBRARY_GIT_URI=git@github.com:pokusio/opensuzie-oci-library.git
export SUZIE_OCI_LIBRARY_GIT_URI="https://github.com/pokusio/opensuzie-oci-library.git"
export WORK_FOLDER=$(mktemp -d /tmp/suzie.oci.library.XXXXXXXX)
# define image tag
export PORTUS_RELEASE_TAG=${PORTUS_RELEASE_TAG:-'opensuzie/portus:2.5'}

docker build library/portus -t $PORTUS_RELEASE_TAG

Building a registry image (soon)