poldracklab / ds003-post-fMRIPrep-analysis

An exemplary task analysis workflow to run on OpenNeuro's ds000003 data, after preprocessing with fMRIPrep
Apache License 2.0
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Group-level analysis not running #15

Open alavash opened 2 years ago

alavash commented 2 years ago


To get to know the pipeline, I have started analyzing the same dataset using the identical singularity image. The first-level analysis is done successfully, and I can see the _zstat.nii.gz, _tstat.nii.gz, _cope.nii.gz, and _varcope.nii.gz files for my single subjects. However, when I run the group-level analysis, no process gets initiated (i.e., nothing happens on the terminal). Is this maybe b/c the group-level code in run.py is #commented (line 166 to 173). Below I paste the code I used for first-level analysis (which has worked) and the group-level analysis (which does not run):


singularity run -e /home/ds000003/analysis-0.0.3.simg \ /home/ds000003/derivatives/fmriprep-1.5.4/fmriprep \ /home/ds000003/derivatives/analysis participant \ --participant-label 01 \ --bids-dir /home/ds000003 \ --space MNI152NLin2009cAsym


singularity run -e /home/ds000003/analysis-0.0.3.simg \ /home/ds000003/derivatives/fmriprep-1.5.4/fmriprep \ /home/ds000003/derivatives/analysis group \ --bids-dir /home/ds000003

Any help is very much appreciated!
