There are times when positron-r needs multiple pieces of related info about a package installation. I know it looks funny to get the package version and to pass back info about whether that version satisfies a minimum version requirement, but it's impractical to do that comparison in positron-r (i.e. R package versions don't play nicely with semver).
And to message about a package that is installed, but at insufficient version, you need all 3 of these pieces of info: installed version, required version, and whether that requirement is met.
Required by to address
There are times when positron-r needs multiple pieces of related info about a package installation. I know it looks funny to get the package version and to pass back info about whether that version satisfies a minimum version requirement, but it's impractical to do that comparison in positron-r (i.e. R package versions don't play nicely with semver).
And to message about a package that is installed, but at insufficient version, you need all 3 of these pieces of info: installed version, required version, and whether that requirement is met.