postcss / postcss-selector-matches

PostCSS plugin to transform :matches() W3C CSS pseudo class to more compatible CSS (simpler selectors)
MIT License
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Add lineBreak Options #1

Closed yisibl closed 9 years ago

yisibl commented 9 years ago

lineBreak(default: true)


p:matches(:first-child, .special) {
  color: red;

You will get:

p.special {
  color: red;

See also: postcss-custom-selectors

MoOx commented 9 years ago

Why this should be default to true ? I am open to that, but I don't see the value to add that by default

MoOx commented 9 years ago

I just added this option (but false by default, since I don't see the value added)

yisibl commented 9 years ago

Because most of the CSS code style is the default wrap.

MoOx commented 9 years ago

This is relevant for original css your wrote by hand and read with your eyes. I am not even sure most people will read transpiled code...