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Create a comparison table with Hyperledger #81

Open junha1 opened 1 year ago

junha1 commented 1 year ago

We need comprehensive comparisons with the Hyperledger protocol.

TomTaehoonKim commented 1 year ago

Hyperledger Fabric is a CFT Blockchain


Where Hyperledger Fabric breaks from some other blockchain systems is that it is private and permissioned. Rather than an open permissionless system that allows unknown identities to participate in the network (requiring protocols like “proof of work” to validate transactions and secure the network), the members of a Hyperledger Fabric network enroll through a trusted Membership Service Provider (MSP).

TomTaehoonKim commented 1 year ago




Sawtooth Consensus Engines

TomTaehoonKim commented 1 year ago

Sawtooth PBFT

Network Overview

Fault Tolerance

View Changes: Choosing a New Primary

Sequence Numbers

Information Storage

Each node stores several key pieces of information as part of its state:

Network Configuration

Consensus Messages

Message Definitions

// A generic PBFT message (PrePrepare, Prepare, Commit, ViewChange, SealRequest) message PbftMessage { // Message information PbftMessageInfo info = 1;

// The block this message is for bytes block_id = 2; }

// A message sent by the new primary to signify that the new view should be // started message PbftNewView { // Message information PbftMessageInfo info = 1;

// A list of ViewChange messages to prove this view change (must contain at // least 2f messages) repeated PbftSignedVote view_changes = 2; }

message PbftSignedVote { // Serialized ConsensusPeerMessage header bytes header_bytes = 1;

// Signature of the serialized ConsensusPeerMessageHeader bytes header_signature = 2;

// Serialized PBFT message bytes message_bytes = 3; }

message PbftSeal { // Message information PbftMessageInfo info = 1;

// ID of the block this seal verifies bytes block_id = 2;

// A list of Commit votes to prove the block commit (must contain at least 2f // votes) repeated PbftSignedVote commit_votes = 3; }

### Message Types
A Sawtooth PBFT message has one of the following types:
- `PrePrepare`: Sent by the primary node after it has published a new block
- `Prepare`: Broadcast by every node in the `Preparing` phase
- `Commit`: Broadcast by every node in the `Committing` phase
- `ViewChange`: Sent by any node that suspects that the primary is faulty
- `NewView`: Sent by the node that will be the new primary to complete a view change
- `Seal`: Proves that a block was committed after `2f + 1` nodes agreed to commit it
- `SealRequest`: Sent by a node that is requesting a consensus seal for the block that was committed at a given sequence number

## PBFT Operations
- The Sawtooth PBFT algorithm starts with initialization, then operates in one of two modes:
  - **Normal mode** for processing blocks
  - **View Changing mode** for switching to a different primary node
- Note that the original PBFT definition includes a checkpointing procedure that is responsible for garbage collection of the log. However, Sawtooth PBFT does not implement this checkpointing procedure; instead, it cleans the log periodically during its normal operation. For more information, see PBFT Operations > Log Pruning.

### Initialization
When the Sawtooth PBFT consensus engine starts, it does the following:
- Loads its configuration
- Initializes its state and message log
- Establishes timers and counters

### Normal Mode
In Normal mode, nodes check blocks and approve them to be committed to the blockchain. The Sawtooth PBFT algorithm usually operates in normal mode unless a [view change]( is necessary.

#### Procedure
The normal mode proceeds as follows:
1. All nodes begin in the `PrePreparing` phase; the purpose of this phase is for the primary to publish a new block and endorse the block with a `PrePrepare` message.
  - The primary node will send a request to its validator to initialize a new block. After a configurable timeout (determined by the `sawtooth.consensus.pbft.block_publishing_delay` setting), the primary will send a request to the validator to finalize the block and broadcast it to the network.
  - After receiving the block in a `BlockNew` update and ensuring that the block is valid, all nodes will store the block in their PBFT logs.
  - After receiving the `BlockNew` update, the primary will broadcast a `PrePrepare` message for that block to all of the nodes in the network. When the nodes receive this `PrePrepare` message, they will make sure it is valid; if it is, they will add it to their respective logs and move on to the `Preparing` phase.
2. In the `Preparing` phase, all secondary nodes (not the primary) broadcast a `Prepare` message that matches the accepted `PrePrepare` message. Each node will then add its own `Prepare` to its log, then accept `Prepare` messages from other nodes and add them to its log. Once a node has `2f + 1` `Prepare` messages in its log that match the accepted `PrePrepare`, it will move on to the `Committing` phase.
3. The `Committing` phase is similar to the `Preparing` phase; nodes broadcast a `Commit` message to all nodes in the network, wait until there are `2f + 1` `Commit` messages in their logs, then move on to the `Finishing` phase. The only major difference between the `Preparing` and `Committing` phases is that in the `Committing` phase, the primary node is allowed to broadcast a message.
4. Once in the `Finishing` phase, each node will tell its validator to commit the block for which they have a matching PrePrepare, `2f + 1` Prepare messages, and `2f + 1` `Commit` messages. The node will then wait for a `BlockCommit` notification from its validator to signal that the block has been successfully committed to the chain. After receiving this confirmation, the node will update its state as follows:
  - Increment its sequence number by 1
  - Update its current chain head to the block that was just committed
  - Reset its phase to `PrePreparing`
Finally, the primary node will initialize a new block to start the process all over again.

- [This diagram]( summarizes the four Normal mode phases, the messages sent, and the interactions with the validators. N1 is the primary node; N2, N3, and N4 are secondary nodes.

### Log Pruning
- Sawtooth PBFT does not implement a checkpointing procedure (garbage collection of the log). Instead, each node cleans the log periodically during normal operation.
- Log size is controlled on each node with the `--max_log_size` option when starting the PBFT consensus engine (see [PBFT Command-Line Options]( When a block is committed, each node compares the size of its log against the maximum size. If the log exceeds this value, Sawtooth PBFT uses these rules to prune the log:
  - Keep blocks and messages for the sequence number of the block that was just committed, plus those for any higher (newer) sequence numbers
  - Delete blocks and messages for all lower (earlier) sequence numbers

### View Changing Mode
- A *view change* switches to a different primary node. 
- A node starts a new view change if any of the following occur:
  - The idle timeout expires - when a node enters the `PrePreparing` phase, it will start its idle timeout. If the node receives a new block and a matching `PrePrepare` from the primary for its current sequence number before the timeout expires, it will stop the timeout; if not, the node will initiate a view change when the timeout expires.
  - The commit timeout expires - when a node enters the `Preparing` phase, it will start its commit timeout. If the node is able to move on to the `Finishing` phase and send a request to the validator to commit the block before the timeout expires, it will stop the timeout; if not, the node will initiate a view change when the timeout expires.
  - The view change timeout expires - when a node starts a view change to view `v`, it will start a view change timeout. If the node is able to complete the view change before the timeout expires, it will stop the timeout; if not, it will initiate a new view change to view `v + 1`.
  - Multiple `PrePrepare` messages are received for the same view and sequence number but different blocks - this indicates the primary is faulty, since this behavior is invalid.
  - A `Prepare` message is received from the primary - this indicates the primary is faulty, since this behavior is invalid.
  - `f + 1` `ViewChange` messages are received for the same view - this ensures that a node does not wait too long to start a view change; since only `f` nodes (at most) can be faulty at any given time, if more than `f` nodes decide to start a view change, other nodes can safely join them to perform that view change.
To start a view change, a node will do the following:
  1. Update its mode to `ViewChanging(v)`, where `v` is the view the node is changing to
  2. Stop both the idle and commit timeouts, since these are not needed again until after the view change
  3. Stop the view change timeout if it’s been started; it will be restarted with a new value later
  4. Broadcast a `ViewChange` message for the new view
- `ViewChange` messages are accepted and added to the log if they satisfy these criteria:
  - They are for a later view than the node’s current view
  - If the node is in the mode `ViewChanging(v)`, the view in the message must be greater than or equal to `v`
- Once a node has received `2f + 1` `ViewChange` messages for the new view, it will start its view change timeout; this timeout ensures that the new primary starts the new view in a timely manner. The duration of the timeout is calculated based on a base duration (determined by the `sawtooth.consensus.pbft.view_change_duration` setting) using the formula: `(DesiredViewNumber - CurrentViewNumber) * ViewChangeDuration`.
- When the primary for the new view receives `2f + 1` `ViewChange` messages, it will broadcast a `NewView` message to the network, signifying that the view change is complete. As a proof that this view change is valid, the primary will include 2f + 1 signed ViewChange messages from other nodes in the NewView message (the primary’s own “vote” is implicit), which will be validated by the other nodes.
If a node receives the new primary’s valid NewView message before its view change timeout expires, it will:
  1. Stop the view change timeout
  2. Update its view to match the new value
  3. Revert back to Normal mode
- However, if a node’s view change timeout expires before it receives a `NewView`, it will stop the timeout and initiate a brand new view change for view `v + 1` (where `v` is the view it was attempting to change to before).