Postman code generator is using detect-package-manager to determine which one to use. It sends the same production flags to any of them. Even unsupported ones
.../node_modules/bigint-buffer install: c++ -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -Wl,-search_paths_first -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -arch x86_64 -L./Release -stdlib=libc++ -o Release/bigint_buffer.node Release/
.../node_modules/postman-code-generators postinstall: Failed to run pnpm install on codegen csharp-httpclient, here is the error:
.../node_modules/postman-code-generators postinstall: csharp-restsharp: pnpm install --no-audit --production
.../node_modules/postman-code-generators postinstall: Failed to run pnpm install on codegen csharp-restsharp, here is the error:
.../node_modules/postman-code-generators postinstall: <REDACTED>/node_modules/.pnpm/async@3.2.2/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:324
We patched the library just getting rid of --no-audit in PRODUCTION_FLAG.
Postman code generator is using detect-package-manager to determine which one to use. It sends the same production flags to any of them. Even unsupported ones
To reproduce, run a project with pnpm (only) as package manager. sends --no-audit which makes pnpm fail. Having yarn available hides this issue, for instance.
We patched the library just getting rid of --no-audit in PRODUCTION_FLAG.