posttwo / fjmod-extension

Chrome extension for FunnyJunk moderators
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Graphical tidy up #49

Open thunderysteak opened 7 years ago

thunderysteak commented 7 years ago

Because #25 was retarded and really not needed

The current mod panel looks a bit iffy with too many buttons so let's just slap that shit into own tabbable categories like the settings panel on FJ

Known so far:

Can also do shit like this:

This is pretty much a low priority thing

Hunman commented 7 years ago

[raccoon noises]

Due to magical bullshittery, .on() doesn't work, have to do with onclick But you could write a function and copy how the settings works

Also, wait for me to finish my exams and I'll do one better

thunderysteak commented 7 years ago

[opossum noises]

Stealing admin's code was on my mind also Are you planning on using Bootstrap stuff? I remember you said something about it on discord

Hunman commented 7 years ago

Yes, collapse.js

The window where you choose what to enable or disable has only the name, enable/disable button and an info button If you click last, it opens a well or something with a description and maybe author and if it's a mod-only option or free for all