pothosware / SoapySDRPlay3

Soapy SDR plugin for SDRPlay APIv3
MIT License
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Is HDR mode supported by SoapySDRPlay3? #75

Open OH2LAK opened 12 months ago

OH2LAK commented 12 months ago

SDRPlay devices like RSPDx supports HDR mode (High Dynamic Range) in conjunction with 500kHz and 2MHz low-pass filters. Is this feature supported by SoapySDRPlay3 or not?

As the bands below 2MHz are completely dead with RSPDx being used with OpenWebRX, I think lack of support for the LPF filters or HDR mode is the reason for that.

Usage of the 'hdrEnable' command is described in the SDRPlay API document; https://www.sdrplay.com/docs/SDRplay_API_Specification_v3.07.pdf#page=26

fventuri commented 12 months ago

@oh2lak - a few months ago I created a branch called rspdx-hdr (https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDRPlay3/tree/rspdx-hdr), where I added a new boolean setting called hdr_ctrl (https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDRPlay3/blob/rspdx-hdr/Settings.cpp#L1386-L1392).

After you build and install that branch, you can enable HDR mode by adding hdrl_ctrl=1 to the device string.

Please give it a try and let me know what you think; once we think it is good and works as expexted, I'll merge that change into the master branch.


OH2LAK commented 12 months ago

Thanks Franco, I will give it a try! Looks like without the HDR setting enabled, RSPDx uses the lowest BPF which is 2-12MHz, thus making it unusable for LW and MW use.

I'll report back how it goes!


OH2LAK commented 11 months ago

I can confirm that the rspdx-hdr branch works with HDR mode and I have signals on MW and LW now. Though, I did not include the parameter hdrl_ctrl=1 anywhere. I'm testing the driver with OpenWebRX

.. Erik

fventuri commented 11 months ago

Erik, thanks for confirming that that change works. I just merged that branch into the master branch and updated the release version to 0.4.2.

I think the reason why HDR mode is enabled in your RSPdx is because the default for that setting is true (https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDRPlay3/blob/master/Settings.cpp#L1394); you can disable it by adding hdr_ctrl=0 in the device configuration string.
