powellgenomicslab / Nebulosa

R package to visualize gene expression data based on weighted kernel density estimation
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Plot density issue #24

Open apal6 opened 7 months ago

apal6 commented 7 months ago


I tried to use plot_density function but I didn't get any plot or error.


`p4 <- plot_density(SeuOs, c("Il21r", "Il2rb"), joint = TRUE)

p4 + plot_layout(ncol = 1) SeuOs An object of class Seurat 31061 features across 51442 samples within 2 assays Active assay: RNA (31053 features, 2000 variable features) 3 layers present: counts, data, scale.data 1 other assay present: HTO 3 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, tsne, umap`

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 3 36 19 PM

What do you suspect?

Thank you, Aastha

oswaldbra12 commented 7 months ago

It is odd because when I run single gene of interest it plots correctly. But when I trying and use more than one gene if fails. Do you experience that too?

chen2810 commented 6 months ago

I've solved the problem.It looks like this line of code produces a total of three graphs. ![Uploading p1_3.png…]()

p1 <- plot_density(scRNA_harmony, c("CD8A", "CCR7"), joint = TRUE) p1[[1]] p1[[2]] p1[[3]]