powturbo / TurboBench

Compression Benchmark
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TurboBench: Dynamic/Static web content compression benchmark #43

Open powturbo opened 1 year ago

powturbo commented 1 year ago

file html8 : 100MB random html pages from a 1m Alexa Top sites corpus. Number of pages = 1178 Average length = 84886 bytes The pages (length + content) are concatenated into a single html8 file, but compressed/decompressed separately using the multiblock mode in TurboBench.

compress: page1,page2,...pageN decompress : Page1,page2,...pageN

In the speedup (see below) plots you can see the best compressors for content providers:


Unlike other benchmarks on the net, this is pure memory benchmark without any additional (http) server overhead.

Page Statistics: Page Length: Minimum = 16kb, Maximum = 128kb

bits histogram: 15:######################## 24% 16:####################################### 39% 17:##################################### 37%

Lenovo Ideapad Pro 5 / CPU 7840HS 3.8-5.1GHz, DDR5 6400MHz C Size R% C MB/s D MB/s Name C Mem D Mem C Stack D Stack
16457986 16.5 1.41 612.34 brotli 11 10,629,680 247,672
18579017 18.6 60.35 703.56 brotli 5 10,711,032 199,384
18996682 19.0 0.53 1787.41 zstd 22 815,429,856 191,952
19615056 19.6 0.34 1003.78 zopfli 33,644,120 14,352
19766557 19.8 7.10 1661.60 libdeflate 12 18,027,032 23,152
19971457 20.0 135.89 716.37 brotli 4 10,153,192 198,904
19974358 20.0 5.64 2092.36 zstd 15 72,091,872 191,952
20282366 20.3 96.65 1700.68 libdeflate 9 1,336,592 23,152
20363869 20.4 55.00 687.49 zlib 9 274,096 14,320
20451000 20.5 84.95 1130.76 zlib_ng 9 36 GB 778,098,680
20485533 20.5 92.93 682.52 zlib 6 274,096 14,320
20502399 20.5 201.65 1702.04 libdeflate 6 1,340,024 23,152
20568950 20.6 78.85 2004.33 zstd 5 5,503,608 191,952
20592048 20.6 173.56 1141.23 zlib_ng 6 36 GB! 778,098,680
21624240 21.6 242.98 702.77 brotli 2 9,235,608 231,792
22159165 22.2 434.23 1733.07 libdeflate 1 407,544 23,152
22484852 22.5 370.72 1483.97 igzip 3 696,336 0 7,340,032 7,340,032
22867303 22.9 374.92 2064.67 zstd 1 1,374,840 191,952
23098360 23.1 766.27 1446.97 igzip 2 663,568 0 7,340,032 7,340,032
23153034 23.2 518.39 678.09 brotli 1 1,200,512 165,704
23287503 23.3 850.51 1444.42 igzip 1 569,336 0 7,340,032 7,340,032
23723266 23.7 238.93 629.48 zlib 1 274,096 14,320
25355327 25.4 982.05 1543.00 igzip 0 1,032 0 7,340,032 7,340,032
28214601 28.2 573.26 692.20 slz 6 0 14,320 65,536
28214601 28.2 576.88 684.35 slz 9 0 14,320 65,536
29476316 29.5 587.78 679.40 slz 1 1,032 14,320 65,536
30040886 30.0 569.15 1078.03 zlib_ng 1 25 GB 778,098,680

R: Compression ratio Mem: Heap Memory usage in bytes Stack: Stack Memory usage in bytes Zstd is added only as indication. There is actually no zstd content-encoding for the web

Screenshot from 2023-07-09 11-20-45 speedup files

powturbo commented 1 year ago

Benchmark with "silesia.tar" Lenovo Ideapad Pro 5 / CPU 7840HS 3.8-5.1GHz, DDR5 6400MHz

C Size R% C MB/s D MB/s Name
64677891 30.5 8.36 1443.74 libdeflate 12
66715898 31.5 45.81 1405.76 libdeflate 9
67511452 31.9 134.54 1420.39 libdeflate 6
67644075 31.9 16.99 560.77 zlib 9
68152563 32.2 30.69 861.26 zlib_ng 9
68228660 32.2 41.74 555.55 zlib 6
68914854 32.5 104.47 871.24 zlib_ng 6
70166917 33.1 218.74 1417.63 libdeflate 3
72490921 34.2 164.66 820.80 zlib_ng 3
72968832 34.4 101.07 558.79 zlib 3
73505577 34.7 334.63 1360.91 libdeflate 1
75094329 35.4 378.76 1222.12 igzip 3
76571415 36.1 672.85 1183.64 igzip 2
77260023 36.5 157.67 521.54 zlib 1
78154519 36.9 700.23 1153.13 igzip 1
87551010 41.3 756.87 1107.45 igzip 0
100929713 47.6 401.93 774.98 zlib_ng 1
211948544 100.0 27554.41 27493.65 memcpy