Closed vijaytripathi closed 11 years ago
I get the issue, subkey "PythonClass" not getting created. Although as per registery module readme it says that parent key and child key both would be created If Puppet creates a registry key, Windows will automatically create any necessary parent registry keys that do not already exist.
Pull Request#35
This error was observed because of missing ensure parameter. Issue fixed in windows_python module.
Error: Cannot write to the registry. The parent key does not exist. detail: (The system cannot find the file specified.) Puppet Error ID: AC99C7C6-98D 6-4E91-A75E-970F4064BF95
Issue1: In windows_services.pp file registery key is created using this code
registry_key { "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\${name}\PythonClass": ensure => $ensure, require => Exec["create-python-${name}-windows-service"], }
After execution of this code registery key is created with name "nova-compute" without any sub key "PythonClass" as mentioned in code. Is it ok? or Pythonclass is supposed to be value name in registry_value section and mentioned here as typo?
Issue2: IF PythonClass is sub-key of nova-compute then , value name to be set of registery key "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\nova-compute\PythonClass" is missing
registry_value { "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\${name}\PythonClass\":
ensure => $ensure,
type => string,
data => $script,
require => Registry_key["HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\${name}\PythonClass"],
Can you please tell name of value to be set of this registery key "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\nova-compute\PythonClass"