While searching the osugame subreddit, I came across a post that was talking about how a user had more max combo than originally achievable using ranked maps. I originally suspected lazer and unranked maps to be a part of the bug, so I grabbed a map that had more max combo than that ranked map, played it in lazer, and, it actually added that max combo to my max combo stat on my profile.
Game behaviour
Bug description
While searching the osugame subreddit, I came across a post that was talking about how a user had more max combo than originally achievable using ranked maps. I originally suspected lazer and unranked maps to be a part of the bug, so I grabbed a map that had more max combo than that ranked map, played it in lazer, and, it actually added that max combo to my max combo stat on my profile.
Reddit Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/wfbc50/so_i_was_just_wandered_around_and_then_i_saw_the/
Map used: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1233758#osu/2567229
Screenshots or videos
runtime.log updater.log database.log network.log performance.log