Open plamen-i opened 6 years ago
Glad you like it! Yeah that would be great.
With the current code, calculating that hierarchy would require downloading all the referenced packages. I'll see if I can find a way to build it more efficiently (downloading only the nuspecs).
I actually spotted some SQLitePCLRaw packaging errors with this :-)
You can download a package's nuspec using the flat container.
Documentation: Example:
@loic-sharma perfect, thank you.
Would really love to see this.
I found something similar on... ...but it would be just 100 times better to have this built-in to fuget.
I have spent too much poor-quality-time investigating dependency trees when having assembly version conflicts etc. This could be of great help.
First of all - wonderful site!!! Exactly what I have done before (download/unzip/ILSpy browsing) and exactly what I will use from now on :-)
One more feature which I'm missing - NuGet package dependency hierarchy like described here.
Btw - I was looking for this when I digging into sqlite-net-pcl/SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_* dependencies/substitutions... ;-)