pramoth / specification-with-projection

Support projections with JpaSpecificationExecutor.findAll(Specification,Pageable) for Spring Data JPA
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JpaSpecificationExecutorWithProjection methods create 'select *' type of queries #13

Closed eugenekup closed 5 years ago

eugenekup commented 5 years ago

Hi @pramoth,

Thank you for your work.

This is more of a question rather then issue potentially.

Using projection interfaces as part e.g. CrudRepository adds an important benefit of Spring/Hibernate creating 'select' queries fetching only those columns that are required by the projection.

However, when using JpaSpecificationExecutorWithProjection methods the 'select all' type of queries are created resulting in unnecessary data being fetched from the DB.

Is this by design or have I missed anything in my configuration?

Thank you in advance, Eugene

pramoth commented 5 years ago

Hi @eugenekup That is limitation of this library. It do projection on a beans in memory rather than in sql query. If you want to optimize by select some column you need to use JpaEntityGraph to limit set of columns/entity as I show on readme page.

elFarto commented 5 years ago

I also came across this issue, but I found an alternate way of resolving it. This method actually lets me change the return object. It is however, quite the hack:

public class SelectionInterceptor
    private final Class<?> clz;
    private final String fields[];
    private CriteriaBuilder cb;
    private CriteriaQuery cq;
    private Root root;

    public SelectionInterceptor(Class<?> clz, String ... fields)
        this.clz = clz;
        this.fields = fields;

    public void intercept()
        Expression[] exps = new Expression[fields.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
            exps[i] = root.get(fields[i]);
        }, exps));

    public Pageable getWrappedPageable(Pageable pageable)
        return PageRequest.of(pageable.getPageNumber(), pageable.getPageSize(), getWrappedSort(pageable.getSort()));

    public Sort getWrappedSort(final Sort sort)
        return new Sort(
            public boolean isSorted()
                return super.isSorted();

    public <S> Specification<S> getWrappedSpec(final Specification<S> spec)
        return (root, cq, cb) ->
            this.cb = cb;
            this.cq = cq;
            this.root = root;
            return spec.toPredicate(root, cq, cb);

It can then be call via the JpaSpecificationExecutor.findAll(Specification, Pageable) method like:

SelectionInterceptor si = new SelectionInterceptor(InboxEntry.class, "id", "received");
Page p = repo.findAll(si.getWrappedSpec(user(user).and(searchSpec)), si.getWrappedPageable(pageable));
pramoth commented 5 years ago

@elFarto Thank you for the Great Idea! I will try to implement it soon.

pramoth commented 5 years ago

I just complete this issue by borrow code from spring data jpa project.


please try and let me know for any problem.

zhengdai commented 5 years ago

I just complete this issue by borrow code from spring data jpa project.


please try and let me know for any problem.

when used in one to many,it may produce multi record with the same left table record