prathimacode-hub / IoT-Spot

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IoT-Spot : Key Press Detection On Raspberry Pi #343

Open prathimacode-hub opened 5 months ago

prathimacode-hub commented 5 months ago

Basic task would be writing a program with RaspberryPI support to detect the keyPress on your machine.

You can try having one key assigned as an Exit key so, When you click it, The program gets terminate. Detect other keys apart from the Exit key assigned. You're Welcome to add any other creative features into the program as per your wish. Note : There is no need to work on Hardware only, You can also work on the Simulation tools and libraries available.

YASH-YADAV-dynamo commented 5 months ago

Please assign this issue to me

akash05pal commented 5 months ago

kindly assign this issue to me @prathimacode-hub i have worked on IOT and embedded system since long,strong grab in python, I can make good changes in this issue.

prathimacode-hub commented 5 months ago

Issue assigned to you. @akash05pal