Thank you very much for your project, but I have just started PCL to deal with point clouds and have some doubts. This code is based on the PCL library, but why does main.cpp subscribe to topic filtered_cloud in the format sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 instead of converting to pcl::PointCloud? Also for the code you provided to filter out NAN points in the point cloud, is this code based on sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 or pcl::PointCloud? Can you provide guidance? Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much for your project, but I have just started PCL to deal with point clouds and have some doubts. This code is based on the PCL library, but why does main.cpp subscribe to topic filtered_cloud in the format sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 instead of converting to pcl::PointCloud? Also for the code you provided to filter out NAN points in the point cloud, is this code based on sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 or pcl::PointCloud? Can you provide guidance? Thanks in advance!