In Professsor Prebid we are displaying the AdUnits names on the page but some times there are so many AdUnits that it becomes difficult to locate the respective AdUnit on the page.
Can Professor Prebid help us locate the AdUnit on the page?
There could be a button named "Locate" under the AdUnit name in our UI.
Flow: somehow relate the AdUnit with GAM AdSlot, find the ID of the Div (mentioned in GAM config) where it will be rendered and scroll down the page to the actual DIv ( and may be temporarily highlight it by adding colorful blinking border to the Div)?
In Professsor Prebid we are displaying the AdUnits names on the page but some times there are so many AdUnits that it becomes difficult to locate the respective AdUnit on the page. Can Professor Prebid help us locate the AdUnit on the page?
There could be a button named "Locate" under the AdUnit name in our UI. Flow: somehow relate the AdUnit with GAM AdSlot, find the ID of the Div (mentioned in GAM config) where it will be rendered and scroll down the page to the actual DIv ( and may be temporarily highlight it by adding colorful blinking border to the Div)?