prenticedavid / MCUFRIEND_kbv

MCUFRIEND_kbv Library for Uno 2.4, 2.8, 3.5, 3.6, 3.95 inch mcufriend Shields
363 stars 181 forks source link

Issue with Bharat Pi ESP32 and TFT LCD 3.5" Shield #243

Open WooAppStore opened 1 year ago

WooAppStore commented 1 year ago


We are trying to connect Bharat Pi ESP32 board with 3.5" TFT LCD shield and followed the guidance mentioned in the issue #47 but no luck. The white screen still exist. Please let know. Thanks in advance.

Below is the code (LCD_ID_readreg.ino), board pinout and the output.


// adapted from LCD_ID_Reader from
// controllers either read as 16-bit or as a sequence of 8-bit values

//-- Arduino UNO or Mega 2560 Plugged as shield
#define LCD_RST 32
#define LCD_CS 33
#define LCD_RS 15
#define LCD_WR 4
#define LCD_RD 2

#define LCD_D0 12
#define LCD_D1 13
#define LCD_D2 26
#define LCD_D3 25
#define LCD_D4 17
#define LCD_D5 16
#define LCD_D6 27
#define LCD_D7 14

void setup()
    while (!Serial) ;
    Serial.println("Read Registers on MCUFRIEND UNO shield");
    Serial.println("controllers either read as single 16-bit");
    Serial.println("e.g. the ID is at readReg(0)");
    Serial.println("or as a sequence of 8-bit values");
    Serial.println("in special locations (first is dummy)");
    lcdReset();      //ensures that controller is in default state
//    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) readReg(i, 7, "f.k"); 
    readReg(0x00, 2, "ID: ILI9320, ILI9325, ILI9335, ...");
    readReg(0x04, 4, "Manufacturer ID");
    readReg(0x09, 5, "Status Register");
    readReg(0x0A, 2, "Get Power Mode");
    readReg(0x0C, 2, "Get Pixel Format");
    readReg(0x61, 2, "RDID1 HX8347-G");
    readReg(0x62, 2, "RDID2 HX8347-G");
    readReg(0x63, 2, "RDID3 HX8347-G");
    readReg(0x64, 2, "RDID1 HX8347-A");
    readReg(0x65, 2, "RDID2 HX8347-A");
    readReg(0x66, 2, "RDID3 HX8347-A");
    readReg(0x67, 2, "RDID Himax HX8347-A");
    readReg(0x70, 2, "Panel Himax HX8347-A");
    readReg(0xA1, 5, "RD_DDB SSD1963");
    readReg(0xB0, 2, "RGB Interface Signal Control");
    readReg(0xB4, 2, "Inversion Control");
    readReg(0xB6, 5, "Display Control");
    readReg(0xB7, 2, "Entry Mode Set");
    readReg(0xBF, 6, "ILI9481, HX8357-B");
    readReg(0xC0, 9, "Panel Control");
    readReg(0xC8, 13, "GAMMA");
    readReg(0xCC, 2, "Panel Control");
    readReg(0xD0, 3, "Power Control");
    readReg(0xD2, 5, "NVM Read");
    readReg(0xD3, 4, "ILI9341, ILI9488");
    readReg(0xD4, 4, "Novatek ID");
    readReg(0xDA, 2, "RDID1");
    readReg(0xDB, 2, "RDID2");
    readReg(0xDC, 2, "RDID3");
    readReg(0xE0, 16, "GAMMA-P");
    readReg(0xE1, 16, "GAMMA-N");
    readReg(0xEF, 6, "ILI9327");
    readReg(0xF2, 12, "Adjust Control 2");
    readReg(0xF6, 4, "Interface Control");

void loop() 
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


void printhex(uint8_t val)
    if (val < 0x10) Serial.print("0");
    Serial.print(val, HEX);

void readReg(uint16_t reg, uint8_t n, const char *msg)
    uint8_t val8;
    lcdWriteCommand(0xB0);     //Command Access Protect
    lcdWriteData(0x00);        //looks wrong
    printhex(reg >> 8);
    while (n--) {
        val8 = lcdReadData8();
        Serial.print(" ");

void lcdInit()
    pinMode(LCD_CS, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(LCD_CS, HIGH);
    pinMode(LCD_RS, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RS, HIGH);
    pinMode(LCD_WR, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);
    pinMode(LCD_RD, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RD, HIGH);
    pinMode(LCD_RST, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RST, HIGH);

void lcdReset()
    digitalWrite(LCD_RST, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RST, HIGH);
    delay(10);             //allow controller to re-start

void lcdWrite8(uint16_t data)
    digitalWrite(LCD_D0, data & 1);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D1, (data & 2) >> 1);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D2, (data & 4) >> 2);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D3, (data & 8) >> 3);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D4, (data & 16) >> 4);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D5, (data & 32) >> 5);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D6, (data & 64) >> 6);
    digitalWrite(LCD_D7, (data & 128) >> 7);

uint16_t lcdRead8()
    uint16_t result = digitalRead(LCD_D7);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D6);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D5);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D4);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D3);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D2);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D1);
    result <<= 1;
    result |= digitalRead(LCD_D0);

    return result;

void lcdSetWriteDir()
    pinMode(LCD_D0, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D1, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D2, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D3, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D4, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D5, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D6, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D7, OUTPUT);

void lcdSetReadDir()
    pinMode(LCD_D0, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D1, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D2, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D3, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D4, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D5, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D6, INPUT);
    pinMode(LCD_D7, INPUT);

void lcdWriteData(uint16_t data)
    digitalWrite(LCD_CS, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RS, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RD, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);

    lcdWrite8(data >> 8);

    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(LCD_CS, HIGH);

void lcdWriteCommand(uint16_t command)
    digitalWrite(LCD_CS, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RS, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RD, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);
    lcdWrite8(command >> 8);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_CS, HIGH);

uint8_t lcdReadData8()
    uint8_t result;
    digitalWrite(LCD_CS, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RS, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_RD, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LCD_WR, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(LCD_RD, LOW);
    result = lcdRead8();
    digitalWrite(LCD_RD, HIGH);


    return result;

uint16_t lcdReadData16()
    uint16_t result;
    result = lcdReadData8() << 8;
    result |= lcdReadData8();
    return result;

void lcdWriteRegister(uint16_t addr, uint16_t data)




18:53:35.204 -> reg(0x0004) 00 00 00 00 Manufacturer ID
18:53:35.237 -> reg(0x0009) 00 00 00 00 00  Status Register
18:53:35.307 -> reg(0x000A) 00 00   Get Power Mode
18:53:35.341 -> reg(0x000C) 00 00   Get Pixel Format
18:53:35.376 -> reg(0x0061) 00 00   RDID1 HX8347-G
18:53:35.407 -> reg(0x0062) 00 00   RDID2 HX8347-G
18:53:35.440 -> reg(0x0063) 00 00   RDID3 HX8347-G
18:53:35.473 -> reg(0x0064) 00 00   RDID1 HX8347-A
18:53:35.507 -> reg(0x0065) 00 00   RDID2 HX8347-A
18:53:35.541 -> reg(0x0066) 00 00   RDID3 HX8347-A
18:53:35.574 -> reg(0x0067) 00 00   RDID Himax HX8347-A
18:53:35.607 -> reg(0x0070) 00 00   Panel Himax HX8347-A
18:53:35.675 -> reg(0x00A1) 00 00 00 00 00  RD_DDB SSD1963
18:53:35.707 -> reg(0x00B0) 00 00   RGB Interface Signal Control
18:53:35.776 -> reg(0x00B4) 00 00   Inversion Control
18:53:35.805 -> reg(0x00B6) 00 00 00 00 00  Display Control
18:53:35.838 -> reg(0x00B7) 00 00   Entry Mode Set
18:53:35.870 -> reg(0x00BF) 00 00 00 00 00 00   ILI9481, HX8357-B
18:53:35.935 -> reg(0x00C0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  Panel Control
18:53:35.968 -> reg(0x00C8) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  GAMMA
18:53:36.035 -> reg(0x00CC) 00 00   Panel Control
18:53:36.067 -> reg(0x00D0) 00 00 00    Power Control
18:53:36.101 -> reg(0x00D2) 00 00 00 00 00  NVM Read
18:53:36.166 -> reg(0x00D3) 00 00 00 00 ILI9341, ILI9488
18:53:36.200 -> reg(0x00D4) 00 00 00 00 Novatek ID
18:53:36.231 -> reg(0x00DA) 00 00   RDID1
18:53:36.266 -> reg(0x00DB) 00 00   RDID2
18:53:36.297 -> reg(0x00DC) 00 00   RDID3
18:53:36.297 -> reg(0x00E0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA-P
18:53:36.363 -> reg(0x00E1) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 GAMMA-N
18:53:36.461 -> reg(0x00EF) 00 00 00 00 00 00   ILI9327
18:53:36.493 -> reg(0x00F2) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Adjust Control 2
18:53:36.556 -> reg(0x00F6) 00 00 00 00 Interface Control