prepare / Espresso

☕ Bridge your C# soul to the power of Javascript (V8 Javascript Engine / NodeJs)
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Run MathJax in C# using Espresso #47

Closed johnny0914 closed 5 years ago

johnny0914 commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to run complex JS code like MathJax in C# using Espresso?

prepare commented 5 years ago

Hello @johnwebner, sorry for late reply.

Espresso has 2 choices of js-engine

  1. wraps only V8-engine => Espresso-VE
  2. wraps entire nodejs (+V8-engine) => Espresso-ND

But it dose not interface with the browser directly.

if MathJax need real-webbrowser dom then You need to interface the espresso to the browser by yourself.

But if MathJax can run with virtual dom (eg. jsdom) then I think the Espresso can run it.

prepare commented 5 years ago


for C# + Math Expression + Latex => Do you visit this yet?

johnny0914 commented 5 years ago
