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Scrum Update 1 #1

Open rubenprograms opened 4 years ago

rubenprograms commented 4 years ago

TODO Make a COMMENT with your scrum update below (and include your CS ID)

rubenprograms commented 4 years ago

Ruben Gonzalez (a6h1b) In the first iteration of the term, the team and I worked on finding an idea for the term project. We decided to go for an idea of our own, a competition-based app for musicians. No issues or challenges. My plan for the next two week iteration is to work with the team to set up the folder structure and implement the main components necessary for the core functionality of our app: competitions and voting. I have experience in front end development.

pritpalc commented 4 years ago

Pritpal Chauhan (q3p0b)

manan commented 4 years ago

Manan Mehta (n4p0b)

sjason19 commented 4 years ago

Jason Smith (m4p0b) (Recently joined the team)

lorenalu commented 4 years ago

Jie Lu(y9p1b)