privacycg / CHIPS

A proposal for a cookie attribute to partition cross-site cookies by top-level site
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Servers Partitioning All Cookies #84

Open volosied opened 4 months ago

volosied commented 4 months ago

The documentation states that partitioning is an opt-in in order for third party cookies to work in some contexts (same top level sites). It briefly goes over some reasons such as the principle of least privilege and avoiding unexpected bugs in the browswer.

However, my question is what are the downsides / issues if an application server partitions all applicable (ie. SameSite=None & Secure) cookies? The documentation mentioned browsers partitioning by default, but what if the servers added the "Partitioned" attribute to all eligible cookies avoid applications from breaking.

Appreciate any help. Thanks!

Edit: Would the consequences of a server partitioning all cookies be the same as if the browser partitioned by default -- simply avoiding unexpected bugs?

johannhof commented 4 months ago

There are a few effects of doing this that come to my mind right now, mostly regarding partitioning top-level cookies: