probe-lab / thunderdome

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Thunderdome is a system to compare the performance of different versions of IPFS gateways by using real HTTP traffic streamed from the public gateways operated by Protocol Labs.

What does it do?

A user can define an experiment that details what software they want to put under test, with any special configuration and test conditions. Each combination of software and configuration is called a target. Thunderdome deploys each target, connects them to the IPFS network and begins sending real-world requests at the chosen rate. Each target in the experiment receives exactly the same request at the same time.

Thunderdome collects metrics from each target and sends them to Grafana where they can be graphed and analysed. Once the experiment is done the deployed target are shut down to save resources, but they can be started once again if the experiment, or a variant, needs to be repeated. We use it to compare different implementations of the gateway spec, the impact of changing configuration settings or look for performance changes between releases.

Thunderdome differs from other tooling such as testground because it aims to simulate realistic load conditions using close to real time requests.

What is in this repo?

This repository contains everything needed to setup and operate Thunderdome. The infrastructure is managed using Terraform and the tooling is written in Go.

Thunderdome Client

The thunderdome client is in /cmd/thunderdome. It's a command line utility that allows users to deploy and manage Thunderdome experiments. See the Thunderdome Client Documentation for information on how to use the client and the Experiment File Syntax to understand how to define an experiment.

Thunderdome Infrastructure

The Terraform definition of the base infrastructure needed to run experiments is held in /tf. It can be used to set up a new Thunderdome environment from scratch and is also used to deploy upgraded versions of each tool.

Thunderdome uses three service components that are written in Go and deployed by Terraform:

Diagram of Thunderdome Architecture