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powerIssue([JQL subquery, optional], "field names", "regex expression")

Flexible and powerful function to use Regex expressions for search in issue fields. Can be used with 2 or 3 arguments.

about regex

A simple example of a regular expression is a (literal) string. For example, the "Hello World" regex matches the "Hello World" string. . (dot) is another example of a regular expression. A dot matches with any single character; it matches, for example, with "a" or "1". The following table lists several regular expressions and describes with which search query pattern they would match.

Regex Matches
this is text Matches exactly "this is text"
this\s+is\s+text Matches the word "this" followed by one or more whitespace characters followed by the word "is" followed by one or more whitespace characters followed by the word "text".
^\d+(.\d+)? ^ defines that the pattern of the search query must start with the beginning of a new line. \d+ matches one or several digits. The ? makes the statement in brackets optional. . matches ".", brackets are used for grouping. Matches for example with "5", "1.5" and "2.21".

Further Reading:

[text fields]

Field JQL Notes
summary issue in powerIssue("summary", ".*")
description issue in powerIssue("description", ".*")


Task JQL Notes
Simple usage - find any issue with the word "amber" in the beginning of the Summary field issue in powerIssue("summary", "(amber).*")
Any issue from POWERJQL project, where summary or description contains "text1" or "text2" (case insensitive) issue in powerIssue("project=POWERJQL", "summary, description", "(?i).*(text1 | text2).*")

[user fields]

Field JQL Notes
assignee issue in powerIssue("assignee", "Jackson")
reporter issue in powerIssue("reporter", "Lucas")
creator issue in powerIssue("creator", "Liam")


Task JQL Notes
Any issue where assignee name contains "Michael" (case insensitive) issue in powerIssue("assignee", "(?i).*(Michael).*")

[date fields]

To search by date field use pattern "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm".

Field JQL Notes
created issue in powerIssue("created", "2017.*")
updated issue in powerIssue("updated", "2017/08/26.*")
due, duedate issue in powerIssue("due", "2017/08/26.*")
resolutiondate issue in powerIssue("resolutiondate", "2017/08.*")

[fixVersion, affectedVersion fields]

Field JQL Notes
fixVersion issue in powerIssue("fixVersion", ".(8\.5.).") to find all tickets with fix versions like 8.5.1, 8.5.2, etc.
affectedVersion issue in powerIssue("affectedVersion", ".(1\.0.).") to find all tickets with affected versions like 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc.

[components field]

[watchers field]


powerComponent([JQL subquery, optional], "regex expression") Can be used with 1 or 2 arguments.


Any not resolved issues where any component contains words "mobile" or "dev" in any part of component name (case sensitive):

component in powerComponent("resolution=EMPTY", ".*(mobile | dev).*")


powerAttachment([JQL subquery, optional], regex expression)


issue in powerAttachment(".*(?=android).*(?=pdf).*")


powerProject(regex expression)


project in powerProject(".(Customer).")