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Trimmer Cooldowns not working correctly #1020

Open oatbag03 opened 2 hours ago

oatbag03 commented 2 hours ago

Describe the bug Trimmer items, specifically the Divert Energy to X line, do not have a cooldown.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Put item Trimmer - Divert Energy to Hitpoints in action bar (.item 88381 88382 30)
  2. do .get life on engineer pet
  3. spam click the trimmer as many times as you like (no cooldown)
  4. do .get life on engineer pet

Expected behavior Trimmer would work one time and increase the max hp of the engineer pet one time before locking out EE.


get succeeded - Bob (131313) life is 6914 (6914 base + 0 mod + 0 trickle + 0 custom). to .get succeeded - Bob (131313) life is 51810 (6914 base + 44896 mod + 0 trickle + 0 custom).


Character info:

RenderDebug ToggleCapRefraction: OFF Bob (131313)

accountflags    0

aggdef  0

aggressiveness  0

agility     187

aimedshot   456

amsmodifier     0

assaultrifle    456

attitude    1

biologicalmetamorphose  546

bodydevelopment     46

bow     456

bowspecialattack    456

brawl   456

breakingentry   546

breed   7

breedhostility  0

burst   456

cash    0

charstate   0

chemicalac  914

chemistry   478

clan    95

closecombatinitiative   546

coldac  914

computerliteracy    478

concealment     546

conformity  20

currentmovementmode     3

currentnano     2012

damageoverridetype  0

debug   0

dimach  456

disarmtrap  546

distanceweaponinitiative    546

dodge   478

driveair    478

driveground     478

duck    478

electricalengineering   478

energy  4098

energyac    868

EquippedRHWeapon    0

equippedweapontype  0

evade   478

expansion   3

extroverty  100

fastattack  456

fatness     1

fieldquantumphysics     478

fireac  914

firstaid    478

flags   403182081

flingshot   456

fullauto    456

grenade     456

HasKnuBotData   1

headmesh    0

healdelta   82

healinterval    1

health  27660

intelligence    187

isfightingme    0

level   91

life    51810

losheight   0

lr_energyweapon     456

lr_multipleweapon   456

mapnavigation   478

martialarts     456

materialcreation    546

materiallocation    546

materialmetamorphose    546

maxnanoenergy   2012

maxncu  99

mechanicalengineering   478

meleeac     868

meleedamagemodifier     0

meleeenergyweapon   456

meleemultiple   456

monsterdata     45873

monsterscale    110

nanoac  552

nanodelta   82

nanoenergypool  546

nanointerval    1

nanoprogramming     478

nanoprowessinitiative   546

npc_type    100001

npcfamily   95

onehandbluntweapons     456

onehandedgedweapon  456

parry   546

perception  546

petmaster   2188

petstate    1

pharmaceuticals     478

physicalprowessinitiative   546

piercing    456

pistol  456

poisonac    914

profession  0

projectileac    868

proximityrangeindoors   13

proximityrangeoutdoors  25

psychic     187

psychologicalmodification   546

psychology  478

race    1

radiationac     914

rifle   456

riposte     456

runspeed    1349

selectedtarget  131486

selectedtargettype  16

sense   187

senseimprovement    546

sex     1

shotgun     456

side    1

sneakattack     456

stability   100

stamina     187

strength    187

submachinegun   456

swim    546

throwingknife   456

throwngrapplingweapons  456

timeexist   0

titlelevel  3

treatment   478

tutoring    478

twohandbluntweapons     456

twohandedgedweapons     456

VisualFlags     31

visualprofession    15

weaponsmithing  478

xp  0

.getfull succeeded.

Playfield info:

Extended location information:

oatbag03 commented 1 hour ago

Also I couldn't get Trimmer - Divert Energy to Avoidance or Trimmer - Divert Energy to Defense to do anything.

Trimmer - Increase Aggressiveness and Trimmer - Positive Aggressive-Defensive both change the bot's stats as expected.