project8 / dripline

Slow controls for medium scale physics experiments based on AMQP centralized messaging
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Slow controls for medium scale physics experiments.

Fundamentally, dripline defines a messaging wireprotocol, as well as conventions for using that protocol including standard behavoirs and reserved names/values. Within this Repo there are subdirectories for implementing libraries in various languages. Any actual slow control system or component would be developed based on those.

Dripline is developed and tested primarily using RabbitMQ 3.3.x on Debian 8.1


Python: dripline-python
Go: dripline-go
C++: dripline-cpp

Getting help

Code documentation is produced using sphinx via reStructuredText which is distributed with the source. A rendered version is hosted using github pages and the domain. Specific guidance for the Project 8 prototype system, as running, can be found on the hardware wiki (login required).