Closed coolbrg closed 8 years ago
cc @LalatenduMohanty @hferentschik Let me know what do you think?
vagrant reload
should work. Personally I do not use it much, so not aware of this issue.
@optak have you tested vagrant reload on ADB/CDK?
vagrant reload should work. Personally I do not use it much, so not aware of this issue.
It is working since services are starting through shell provisioners in shipped vagrantfiles.
However, vagrant reload
is a usual dev workflow.
vagrant reload should work. Personally I do not use it much, so not aware of this issue.
+1 Same here. I don't use it much, but the expectation is that it works.
@budhrg Can you describe/document what exactly is not working.
@budhrg Also, I believe that you tested this as part of the pull request #400 and HTTP proxy config settings. Does reload just not work with proxy settings, or does it generally not work.
Does reload just not work with proxy settings, or does it generally not work.
Vagrant reload doesn't work. However, shipped vagrantfiles just works since starting of services are done through shell provisioners.
If we use plain Vagrantfile as:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = 'cdkv2'
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v, override|
v.memory = 3072
v.cpus = 2
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"]
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
end = "docker, openshift"
then the service openshift doesn't start on vagrant reload.
Then we have an issue. Let's find out what the problem is.
For what's worth, I just fixed the a vagrant reload issue for Landrush. There on reload, the DNS server was not restarted. The rub was not so much that the hooks were not executed, but more in the wrong order. On the reload, the startup hooks were running before the shutdown ones (not a bug mind you). This was based on the fact that in Vagrant one needs to think about up and down hooks (determined on when you call in your action/hook). So the system was actually behaving as it was designed, but not necessarily how one would expect on initial thought.
I would not be surprised if we have a similar situation in service-manager.
@hferentschik Fix is on the way :)
It seems that the service hooks which are responsible to execute the services on
vagrant up
command doesn't work onvagrant reload
command.It may break the services if user doesn't use the shipped Vagrantfiles from ADB.