prolificinteractive / Caishen

A Payment Card UI & Validator for iOS
MIT License
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Error on installing on swift 3 #106

Closed albarq closed 7 years ago

albarq commented 7 years ago


I tried my best before posting my answer here ... but still did not work ..

pod 'Caishen', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-3.0'

but I receive this error: [!] Error installing Caishen [!] /usr/bin/git clone /var/folders/3f/hlddm2z55_91b6hx68g2vflw0000gn/T/d20161229-86999-1vt21f1 --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch swift-3.0

Cloning into '/var/folders/3f/hlddm2z55_91b6hx68g2vflw0000gn/T/d20161229-86999-1vt21f1'... warning: Could not find remote branch swift-3.0 to clone. fatal: Remote branch swift-3.0 not found in upstream origin

DannyVancura commented 7 years ago

Hi, The branch you are pointing to (swift-3.0) has been merged and deleted, which is why cocoapods cannot install it with pod 'Caishen', :git => '', :branch => 'swift-3.0' anymore. You can use pod 'Caishen', '2.0.1' now and it should work.

albarq commented 7 years ago

[!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: Caishen (= 2.0.1).

You have either:

Note: as of CocoaPods 1.0, pod repo update does not happen on pod install by default.

DannyVancura commented 7 years ago

Right, you'll need to run pod repo update before pod install in this case. Your local Cocoapods repo is outdated and it can't find this new version of Caishen. pod repo update should fix this.

albarq commented 7 years ago

thank you ... I am running and it takes time