promethuesYuan / JavaLearning

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I think you'll like this learning template for JDBC #1

Open GoogTech opened 5 years ago

GoogTech commented 5 years ago

This is a simple learning template for jdbc : and the learning note address :

promethuesYuan commented 5 years ago

Hi buddy! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Thanks for your sharing! Yeah I'm learning about JDBC recently. I have to do a project in my Soft Engineering Project class in this semeter. So I'm doing some preparations. To be honest, I want to use ssm framwork to do it, but I don't know much about it. Your blog and repository help me a lot. Thanks again 😄 ! In fact, though I'm in the third year of my university life, I find that I lack too much skills and abilities to do as a developper. After reading your blog and projects, I'm amazed at your diligence and hard working. I wasted too much time in the past two years! 😢 Honestly speaking, I feel lost about my future. I don't know wheather to pursue graduate study in domestic or abroad, or just to find a job. If convenient, I'm glad to know about your plan and thinking. 🙏 Last but not least, I 'm nice to meet you! 🤝 Hope we can keep in touch! ✉️

GoogTech commented 5 years ago

刚看到你的邮箱,不好意思回复晚了,不好意思哟. 同学你好 !同是大三相识即是缘分,同学晚点聊你所困扰的话题好嘛,下午还有课,不好意思哟,晚点见 !

promethuesYuan commented 5 years ago

hhh,好的,我今天也有点忙,下午去参加了一个考试,晚上还有篮球训练,有时间希望能向你请教请教 😸

GoogTech commented 5 years ago

hhh,好的,我今天也有点忙,下午去参加了一个考试,晚上还有篮球训练,有时间希望能向你请教请教 😸

不好意思回复晚点 : 就困扰你的话题而言,我想说可能你并不是特别喜欢你的专业,不然不会感到无助或者迷茫对嘛 ! 对于我而言,我会果断选择考研继续深造,毕竟我深知我能力,况且我还有很多想要学习的知识模块尚未学习,我喜欢程序,它深深吸引着我不知疲倦地向前~

promethuesYuan commented 5 years ago

抱歉这两天忙着做实验和训练,就没有及时回复。怎么说呢,计算机是我高一的时候就想上的专业,填报志愿的时候就是优先考虑计算机,最后也是第一志愿第一专业上的计算机的。这个暑假我看了一篇知乎,我觉得我前两年的问题就是,总是以一种学生思维在学习,就是学校教什么自己学什么,没有以一种开发者的思维去主动学习自己喜欢的东西。所以感觉到现在课外没有学什么东西,就有一点后悔吧。不过现在思想转变了,就在努力学习一些喜欢的,但到了大三稍有点焦虑。看到你的repo,真的感觉原来同龄人都能做出这么awesome的东西了。自己要学的东西还很多,还要好好努力哇。十分感谢你的分享,对我的帮助很大,希望以后有机会能一起做东西:) 天气转凉了,祝身体健康,学业进步 😃

GoogTech commented 5 years ago
