promotedai / ios-metrics-sdk

iOS client library for metrics tracking.
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Support CollectionTracker for React Native #151

Closed yunapotamus closed 3 years ago

yunapotamus commented 3 years ago

This builds the support needed in the react-native-metrics module for CollectionTracker. High-level changes are:

  1. ImpressionTracker now records impression IDs for currently visible items. This allows us to re-use impression IDs between actions and impressions within the same collection view.
  2. Remove many of the log*Action methods from MetricsLogger to reduce the complexity of integrating with React Native. Instead, allow clients to log content for every action type.
  3. Make OSLog convenience methods take @autoclosures for its arguments so that they're not evaluated at runtime unless actually used.

This PR doesn't add CollectionTracker for Swift yet. The work here supports that goal, but we're prioritizing React Native first.

Impression IDs

Previously, we did not log impression IDs on Action events because inferred joins would take care of that. We're now reconsidering this decision and instead want to set impression IDs on the client. This change has the following supported changes.

MetricsLogger Methods

Previously, we had a separate log*Action method for each action type. This was so that the interface could specify which action types require content as parameters. This approach would up being error-prone (due to React Native NativeModule support) and now is more complicated because we want to return protobufs from the log* methods (more on this below). Because of these factors, we removed the log*Action methods for most action types, except Navigate. The decrease in complexity is worth the tradeoff of not having semantics of which methods take content parameters.

Because protobufs are Swift structs, they are not usable from Objective C. Therefore, any method in MetricsLogger that returns a protobuf can't be used from Objective C. In order to support both returning protobufs and Objective C compatibility, each log* method has two versions: One for Objective C and one for Swift. The Objective C version calls the Swift version but does not return any value. For example:

class MetricsLogger {
  func logImpression(...) -> Event_Impression {
    var impression = Event_Impression()
    // ...
    return impression

  func _objcLogImpression(...) {

Usage from Swift:

let impressionProto = logger.logImpression(...)
// OR:
logger.logImpression(...)  // Ignore the returned proto

Usage from Objective C:

[logger logImpression:...];

Notes about the implementation:

  1. Each Swift method in MetricsLogger returns the logged proto.
  2. Swift methods are marked as @discardableResult so we don't get compiler warnings when we don't need the logged proto.
  3. Prefix each Objective C method with _objc to make it clear to Swift developers that they shouldn't use this method. We have to keep these methods in the public interface, so this is a workaround.
  4. The Objective C methods all have void return types.
  5. In the @objc annotation, give the methods friendlier names so that Objective C code calls use those names. (As far as Objective C is concerned, the _objc version of the method looks like - (void)logImpression:... in the interface.)
  6. Each Objective C method calls the Swift method and ignores the result.


This change prevents the string arguments passed to logging from being evaluated unless the logging statement is actually executed. So if you have an expression like:"Log message: %{private}@", myComplicatedFunction(someArg))

In the previous version, myComplicatedFunction would be invoked regardless of whether the logging configuration actually logs a message at info level. By adding @autoclosure to the logging parameters, this prevents the expression for the parameter (myComplicatedFunction in this case) from being evaluated if info level logging does not occur.


This change does not yet implement the view ID changes. Views are logged with the existing mechanism.

prm-dan commented 3 years ago

ImpressionTracker now records impression IDs for currently visible items. This allows us to re-use impression IDs between actions and impressions within the same collection view.

What's the use case for reusing the same impression ID? When removing blocking views and it's actually the same underlying view?

Previously, we did not log impression IDs on Action events because inferred joins would take care of that. We're now reconsidering this decision and instead want to set impression IDs on the client. This change has the following supported changes.

Fill in whatever fields you are confident in. If you are not, we can create a new hint field or leave it blank.

Because of these factors, we removed the log*Action methods for most action types, except Navigate

Cool. This is fine. Aligns more with other frameworks.

oslog changes

That's cool. Ah, so it creates a functor of the input? Interesting.

yunapotamus commented 3 years ago

ImpressionTracker now records impression IDs for currently visible items. This allows us to re-use impression IDs between actions and impressions within the same collection view.

What's the use case for reusing the same impression ID? When removing blocking views and it's actually the same underlying view?

When an action is logged against an item in the list, we assign action.impressionID to be the same impression ID that was logged for the item. Previously we were not filling out impression ID.

oslog changes

That's cool. Ah, so it creates a functor of the input? Interesting.

Yup, @autoclosure for Swift does that for function parameters.

yunapotamus commented 3 years ago

Fantastic. For an expert review, let me see if I can get Wendy or Ted to review. Otherwise, from a high level, I approve.

Because of these factors, we removed the log*Action methods for most action types, except Navigate.

What is the plan to support manual and/or arbitrary views and/or actions?

We still support calling metricsLogger.logAction with any of the existing action types. For actions outside of this list, clients can use ActionType.custom and a client-supplied name. We also support calling logView, but when the new view ID changes happen we will discourage clients from directly doing so.