TTFB here is defined as the 7 day mean of the 95th centile measurement of the time to first byte as reported by all Gateway NGINX servers
The TTFB encapsulates the time taken for go-ipfs to resolve and read a requested block. The block may be the root of a file dag that must be retrieved to fulfill the entire request, but this additional retrieval time may not be part of the TTFB metric if go-ipfs is able to begin streaming to the client immediately.
As a baseline reference since the start of 2022 of the TTFB metric are as follows (Grafana dashboard):
Timings are 7–day averages (in ms), request counts are 7 day totals
TTFB here is defined as the 7 day mean of the 95th centile measurement of the time to first byte as reported by all Gateway NGINX servers
The TTFB encapsulates the time taken for go-ipfs to resolve and read a requested block. The block may be the root of a file dag that must be retrieved to fulfill the entire request, but this additional retrieval time may not be part of the TTFB metric if go-ipfs is able to begin streaming to the client immediately.
As a baseline reference since the start of 2022 of the TTFB metric are as follows (Grafana dashboard):
Timings are 7–day averages (in ms), request counts are 7 day totals
7-day avg (ms)
7-day avg (ms)
7-day avg (ms)
7-day total
7 day total
1 More gateway instances were added on May 24 2 Gateway scaled out on Apr 1
The factors that affect TTFB include the following (in descending order of impact):
the time taken to validate the existence of the requested block (cache validation/etag check)