protocolbuffers / protobuf

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Protocol buffers performance: consume much more memory in multithreads. #7045

Closed fgy4010 closed 3 years ago

fgy4010 commented 4 years ago

I'm doing a performance test between protocol buffers and json deserialization, but i find the performance of protocol buffers out of my expectation. I wonder if my http request is too complicated or protocol buffers is just not appropriate in my case. Here's my http request:

    "LogId": "ABC165416515166165484165164132",
    "ci_came": "uvInYKaMbhcyBm4p",
    "ci_cme": "GWPMzgSwKzEZ5Mmz",
    "ci_me": "gqHVRaSDTeksgijHM18QzajcVh21bBAq0TkknIXBQnkGKAPQbsZG35cDG6usAxwoxxiey9AnKbsN",
    "ci_pi": "U6dpu0828Q0NNP5JRgVvCMgnn41poxfPlzhwU6FdBOrFsujzskD0HKTcQAXBcXgaOuYcckGtZDs9roJsK",
    "th_logic": "IUPPORTxr_17_iIT_yiIS=[LthyOy.gitg.warmh;@6icy855 vxrsionCorx=1 uiyRr=msm8953 uiOTLOyrxR=unknown uPx=ujij Ir=N2G47H TIMx=1541178617000 iRyNr=gitrI TyG=iuilr HyRrWyRx=qyum jijIyL=1743iC101955 SUPPORTxr_yiIS=[Lhug.hxng.warmh;@5ic26y CPU_yiI=yrm17-v8y IS_rxiUGGyiLx=fylsx RyrIO=unknown MyNUFyCTURxR=gitrI IS_xMULyTOR=fylsx SUPPORTxr_32_iIT_yiIS=[Lhug.gitg.warmh;@xr9170c TyGS=txst-kxys CPU_yiI2= UNKNOWN=unknown PxRMISSIONS_RxVIxW_RxQUIRxr=fylsx Ujij=iuilrxr FINGxRPRINT=firxtruck/msm8953_17/msm8953_17:7.1.2/N2G47H/iuilrx11081144:ujij/txst-kxys HltT=gitriXM-iuilrxr-03 vxrsionNymx=1.0 PROrUCT=yxCR C10 rISPLyY=N2G47H txst-kxys MOrxL=yxCR C10 rxVICx=yxCR C10 hug.gitg.yrithmxticxxcxption: rivirx iy hxro yt yum.upspacepyy.fycxpyy.yummxnt.vixw.SxttingItxmFrygmxnt.onClick(SxttingItxmFrygmxnt.hug:117) yt ynrroir.vixw.Vixw.pxrformClick(Vixw.hug:5637) yt ynrroir.vixw.Vixw$ yt yt",
    "th_ideal": "TqpXdC5NQF",
    "th_sth": "YTVMYUSuprQzHaQLgRdvxp0g8nLWdEZBc0UfrcyrQv09CKPBuacEesMfoiXqXHP2G2Duvmnzmv20iBBQKCuAk1piKvS9MvR9ymxD5YYahyBsdoWetqKjAuTBS115rqwDGhe2qDWMcRnZF3QF9f4WF5sJsFlmxroZzprR",
    "th_err": "StGMzqIW1YGg44GC",
    "th_code": "zrhwEaVmVlNPTUZCCO0j62bFjL6Sjnb8JxNng645fQOMlxA5ceKOwH67aYkK0FnM3vKMpXAbdLwCWAyVUjuvcH1",
    "th_req": "ZWZXPUr6O4jYrXjLXlXskem7jHQ6D",
    "th_index": "6546546546",
    "th_log": "3Gt8V7LMxUMlvHPzcVUYCQl8zvwaDfDEzWn7GxOHbzf9quoZFTl2WwFRpMox2V8zfjbOQiIg4dxjf0x1vWGKHhvnmabXCO5jDWVE33TgI0YTJO14uYEnezdzYDoeR51",
    "th_order": "T28XGCx1O3LCGa98lAtWc33",
    "message": "Crash",
    "time": "2019-11-11 18:23:00",
    "ci_vi": "RCgdDu5874sJohjEVy7i72Kcp98rCOJvl",
    "t_mNo": "1.9",
    "t_tNo": "Gxk9Vb3zblp2PHpYTQzTXmzx43WaEtZmA3CWFfXtPsDZFgaAIug5mbX73w4wQvwNL65BEOW3fd7wExndzm3eilp4jODtHZQaV5G574FPfK",
    "t_fd": "k58xs1eYKTvDxbRMWfPJMdB6tfBnGaOLAnmDUZxo2URebvtd8F",
    "t_pd": "jWl7CTWdmgVFZxA",
    "t_oer": "HHoLyXNYxKHqZgpev9vi",
    "t_ar": "J6m4X9ATlADGaKUzi1eb",
    "t_sr": "daP",
    "t_sd": "AgXPBAaOrA95b9PM4196BQaLsVN9j9",
    "t_sn": "1Ai4lFVObo0MymeJ894m0jItjiwhcD",
    "t_dd": "zLuh1p1G",
    "timeS": "2019-11-11 18:22:58"

Here's my proto file:

message Scada {
    TechInfo tInfo = 1;
    string time = 2;
    string message = 3;
    Thought thought = 4;

message TechInfo {
    string mNo = 1;
    string tNo = 2;
    string fd = 3;
    string pd = 4;
    string oer = 5;
    string ar = 6;
    Ci cd = 7;
    string sr = 8;
    string sd = 9;
    string sn = 10;
    string dd = 11;

message Ci{
    string pi = 1;
    string vi = 2;
    string me = 3;
    string cme = 4;
    string came = 5;

message Thought{
    string logic = 1;
    string ideal = 2;
    string sth = 3;
    string err = 4;
    string code = 5;
    string req = 6;
    string index = 7;
    string log = 8;
    string order = 9;

And i use protocol buffers parseFrom() method to deserialize the request:

public static Scada pbDeSerialize(byte[] pbBytes) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
    Scada scada = ScadaObj.Scada.parseFrom(pbBytes);
    return scada;

Then i use json tools to deserialize the request:

public static PbScadaJsonObj jsonDeserialize(byte[] jsonBytes) {
    String str = new String(jsonBytes, utf8Charset);
    return JsonUtil.deserialize(str, PbScadaJsonObj.class);

public static <T> T deserialize(String json, Class<T> clazz) {   
    return JSON.parseObject(json, clazz);

And i use jmeter to test these two methods. The test consists of one thread and 100 threads. One request message is about 3KB. Json ProtoBuf(PB) deserialize message are tested in 1024MB heap size. Before each execution, i always add a random number to make the message different from each other. My machine is 2C4G.

100k loops 1 thread FastJson PB
TIME(s) 360 309
CPU(%) 104 99.8
MEM(%) 7.2 6.6
100threads FastJson PB
TPS(/s) 274.3 321.9
CPU(%) 185.8 168.6
MEM(%) 9.1 28.6

From the test, i can't tell the protocol buffers' improvement which consume much more memory with just 50/s TPS increasing against json.Could anyone explain this for me? Or Did anyone who do some kinda stuff like this test?

elharo commented 3 years ago

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