Currently there is a limit enforced by Microsoft of a 1000 downstream servers ( Unfortunately it's pretty common for duplicate entries to appear in the downstream server list and if you have 50 remote offices (50 WSUS servers) you can build up to a 1000 downstream servers pretty quickly. When you reach 1000 downstream servers, replication for all WSUS stops.
Please could you kindly add a function to remove downstream servers.
We're currently using the following dirty code to remove servers from the downstream list with based on when last a replication occurred.
#load the dll required
$wsusParent = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($parentServer,$useSecureConnection,$portNumber);
$totalDScount = $wsusParent.GetChildServers().count
$OldChildServers = $wsusParent.GetChildServers() | Where{$_.LastSyncTime -lt ((get-date).AddMonths($latency))}
$removedDScount = $OldChildServers.count
Write-Host "Removing" $removedDScount "old records from a total of" $totalDScount
$OldChildServers | ForEach-Object {
Currently there is a limit enforced by Microsoft of a 1000 downstream servers ( Unfortunately it's pretty common for duplicate entries to appear in the downstream server list and if you have 50 remote offices (50 WSUS servers) you can build up to a 1000 downstream servers pretty quickly. When you reach 1000 downstream servers, replication for all WSUS stops.
Please could you kindly add a function to remove downstream servers.
We're currently using the following dirty code to remove servers from the downstream list with based on when last a replication occurred.