The Get-PSWSUSConfigSyncUpdateClassifications command gives me the warning that i need to connect to WSUS every time. Looking at the code it looks incorrect compared to other commands in the set.
Here is the working part of Get-PSWSUSConfigSyncUpdateClassifications.ps1.
if ($wsus)
Write-Warning "Use Connect-PSWSUSServer for establish connection with your Windows Update Server"
I think it should look more like this,
if ($wsus)
Write-Warning "Use Connect-PSWSUSServer for establish connection with your Windows Update Server"
As a work around I am using the following code instead of this command,
$wsus = connect-psWsusServer "localhost"
The Get-PSWSUSConfigSyncUpdateClassifications command gives me the warning that i need to connect to WSUS every time. Looking at the code it looks incorrect compared to other commands in the set.
Here is the working part of Get-PSWSUSConfigSyncUpdateClassifications.ps1.
I think it should look more like this,
As a work around I am using the following code instead of this command, $wsus = connect-psWsusServer "localhost" $wsus.GetSubscription().GetUpdateClassifications()