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Table of Hardware improvement #8

Open wwahammy opened 9 years ago

wwahammy commented 9 years ago

A number of suggestiong for improving the Table of Hardware were listed at this forum thread. Additionally much of this work is being done at:

dangowrt commented 9 years ago

Generally making the ToH more machine readable would be very nice. Even to just be able to resolve (Vendor Name, Product Name, Product Version) -> (openwrt_target, openwrt_subtarget, openwrt_profile, openwrt_image_filename_prefix)

Afaik already did some work on that in the past.

A standardized way to report board-support-status (ranging from "doesn't exist" over "image falling out of buildbot" maybe up to "tested by trusted developer") would also be nice. See for a good example on how that can improve UX.

Apart from that, it'd be nice to be more interlinked with other (semantic) Wikis like

zo0ok commented 9 years ago

I have made some work on machine reading the ToH and putting it in another list: I update this one manually and regularly. For more information and background, see the OpenWrt forum topic mentioned in the first post:

srdjanrosic commented 8 years ago

table of hardware, should provide one with information that can be used for purchasing decisions. e.g. wifi (no / 2.4 / 5 / 2.4or5 / 2.4and5 / mbps numbers as an indicator of mimo maybe ), number of 1gig/100mbps ethernet ports (1/2/5/...)

and a notes field in case a device is not fully supported by openwrt (reduced wifi performance, incomplete switch support e.g. when it comes to VLANs). or in case device has e.g. hardware crypto support Also some devices have 4MB of flash, and having luci on them can end up being painful in the long run. this should be in the notes.

with the addition of those 3 columns (even if they're not fully populated off the bat) I'd be happy to see the old toh removed, and this issue closed (3 months is plenty of time for comments one should think).

richb-hanover commented 8 years ago

It will probably be of interest to the people who follow this list that a number of core developers have forked OpenWRT to form the LEDE Project. and