psadmin command can regularily hang up on a corrupted web domains or tuxedo domain with a hung process. Add freature that all commands run a process with timeout and capture stderr and stdout, as most output from tuxedo is from stderr. This way the output will look familiar to manually running psadmin.
New to ruby, so still learning its structure, but this is a good example of a timeout function that could be called from do_cmd(). Not sure how to handle the exitCode return in function. I may try this if I get time.
def do_cmd_with_timeout(cmd, timeout)
# stdout, stderr pipes
rout, wout = IO.pipe
rerr, werr = IO.pipe
stdout, stderr = nil
pid = Process.spawn(cmd, pgroup: true, :out => wout, :err => werr)
Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
exitCode = $?.exitstatus
# close write ends so we can read from them
stdout = rout.readlines.join
stderr = rerr.readlines.join
rescue Timeout::Error
Process.kill(-9, pid)
wout.close unless wout.closed?
werr.close unless werr.closed?
# dispose the read ends of the pipes
# display as it normally appears
p "#{stderr}#{stdout}"
psadmin command can regularily hang up on a corrupted web domains or tuxedo domain with a hung process. Add freature that all commands run a process with timeout and capture stderr and stdout, as most output from tuxedo is from stderr. This way the output will look familiar to manually running psadmin.
New to ruby, so still learning its structure, but this is a good example of a timeout function that could be called from do_cmd(). Not sure how to handle the exitCode return in function. I may try this if I get time.