psecio / parse

Parse: A Static Security Scanner
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"object calisthenics" checks? #4

Open enygma opened 10 years ago

enygma commented 10 years ago

Think about possibly adding "object calisthenics" checks...

Not really about security but could be useful for checking

redbeardcreator commented 9 years ago

It's an interesting thought. I would probably use it. I have used similar features in other tools.

enygma commented 9 years ago

Yeah, this was more of a passing thought recorded in a conference talk. This probably more relates to code quality and less to security specifically.

redbeardcreator commented 9 years ago

I understand that. It might be something to add later as a plugin-type tool.

garrettw commented 7 years ago

Some of those are already well-covered by other static analysis tools, specifically these, at the very least (I think):