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Produce examples from existing datalad-powered catalogs #103

Open jsheunis opened 3 months ago

jsheunis commented 3 months ago



jsheunis commented 3 months ago

E.g. record at, loaded using tabby_load ( and a custom tabby convention (, and then compacted with a custom context (

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        "title": "Progression independent from relapse in ocrelizumab-treated relapsing multiple sclerosis cohort"
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        "citation": "Ingwersen, J., Masanneck, L., Pawlitzki, M. et al. Real-world evidence of ocrelizumab-treated relapsing multiple sclerosis cohort shows changes in progression independent of relapse activity mirroring phase 3 trials. Sci Rep 13, 15003 (2023).",
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    "schema:dateModified": "2023-03-01",
    "description": "A clinical dataset of ocrelizumab treated multiple sclerosis patients at the HHU University Clinic Düsseldorf with routinely collected clinical, imaging and OCT results (no imaging data). Data was collected for routine visits from 2018 to 2022. ",
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