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Knitting PDF Document vs. Word Document #1

Open pthane opened 3 years ago

pthane commented 3 years ago

Hi @jvcasillas,

In the "Manuscript" section you can find the code for my markdown. When I knit to a PDF document, I get text saying "this author contributed the following…" while this doesn't come up on Word. I also have the references "interspersed" with the tables in the appendix, and these tables seem to be auto-numbering themselves (i.e. it says Table 1 but it's the third table in the manuscript). However, when I knit to Word, none of the kables format correctly, and the graphs are outside of the margins. I wondered if you had any suggestions. It seems like the Word option formats better overall, assuming I can manually control the dimensions of the graphs and can make the tables legible. Thanks!

jvcasillas commented 3 years ago

which output do you prefer?

pthane commented 3 years ago


I prefer whichever output will require the least amount of "tweaking" to create a final product that is both easy to read and properly formatted. All else equal I like Word, but I don't have a preference, really.

jvcasillas commented 3 years ago

pdf it is

pthane commented 3 years ago

OK, understood. However, how do I deal with the formatting issues?

jvcasillas commented 3 years ago

Ill take a look in a bit

jvcasillas commented 3 years ago

It wont knit. It doesnt look like the paths are set up properly yet. Did you move the .Rmd file from where you had it before? Get it set up and I will try again.

pthane commented 3 years ago

@jvcasillas my apologies. I uploaded a folder thinking that this folder itself would create a new directory, but instead all of the files within the folder just posted into the repo. I have corrected this issue. Thanks.