publishpress / organize-series-grouping

An add-on for the Organize Series WordPress plugin. This adds the ability to group series together.
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=== Organize Series Addon - Grouping === Contributors: nerrad Tags: series, groups Requires at least: 3.7 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: 2.2.3 License: GPLv2 License URI:

This addon gives you the ability to group series together by category.

== Description == One of the common case uses I've heard from people requesting this feature is the following: Say you are using your blog to write a book over a bunch of posts. The posts in each series are chapters in a book (chapter 1 is a post in a book). This way people can easily navigate through the different chapters. What if, however, the book is actually part of a series of books. In this case you'd want a way to present the Books as a part of a group. Aha! This is where Organize Series Grouping would come in to solve the problem.

== Installation == This add-on requires Organize Series Core to be installed and active.

  1. MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR WORDPRESS DATABASE (that\'s all in caps for a reason - nothing should go wrong but it\'s a good precaution nevertheless!!)
  2. Download the File (or use the built-in updater provided by WordPress)
  3. Extract to a folder in ../wp-content/plugins/. The add-on folder can be named whatever you want but the default is \"organize-series-grouping\". The final structure would be something like this: ../wp-content/plugins/organize-series-grouping/--and all the plugin files/folders--
  4. Activate the plugin on your WordPress plugins page.

You can do the above or just use the new plugin install integrated in WordPress.

== Changelog == All change-log information for the plugin can be found at