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Drawing in separate windows(screens?tabs?) #284

Open Kotusikk opened 6 months ago

Kotusikk commented 6 months ago

I would like to know (or ask for adding options if theres no such) if we can draw in different windows, sorta like in photoshop layers? So i will like drew doodle on tab 1 close this tab/opened new on this new tab theres new area to draw, but if i open that first tab, these doodles are still there like bind doodles with specific tabs at least it would be cool if i could draw something on desktop, and i open browser, and theres no previous doodles, and i can draw again, but then i hide browser tabs and there are doodles on desktop. if that makes sense soo it would be like tabs=layers

pubpub-zz commented 6 months ago

I have a little of trouble to understand what exactly you mean. Remember ppink is just an application with transparent window where you can draw in. I've introduced page capability (beta version) in #258 you may try.

ispyridis commented 6 months ago

Hi given the opportunity I have already described a process that I would like implemented but I found out a way to get almost what I needed. During my effort to understand ppink features I made some further thoughts that might match what we are all looking for.

I have two monitors I prefer always windowed mode And take notes only in the one monitor This monitor is also the focus of OBS I have set my toolbar such that it does not close or retract umless I chose and it takes screenshots with short click without exiting, so it continues editing. So I can take a snapshot after I set up my new page look (change app on the desktop chose view in the app) If I need to snapshot a menu I use the shortcut shift+ctrl+ctrl and then comment. If don't want a menu but only a view or a dialog, I take screenshot then place clip art from clipboard and place it all over screen as overlay then start commenting. It keeps the pages nicely.

In my descriptions in my posts in the thread of multiple pages I made some comments about some improvements on managing pages.

  1. Bind page with app window or with drawn window area on screen or even bind with app and also draw window.
  2. Control transparency of overlay image and be able to redefine desktop background in pointer mode.
  3. Add drop down page browsing strip. Here are coming my additional thoughts on page tabs of this post. I described something like the preview of the ditto clipboard manager which has a drop down clip manager with preview. But the tabs like subsets can work on this strip at right angle expansion. So I have my ppink tool bar horizontally at top of screen. I hover over the tool bar and a thin wide button with a wide V showing downwards shows up. If I click the button the strip expands downwards and I see the thumbnails of the first pages of the page subsets. When I hover over the subsets, the subset, the pointer is above of, will expand horizontally and show the thumbs of pages of the subset and also simultaneously will show at the background a maximised preview. If the user clicks on any thumb the page comes up. This will keep your interface minimal.
  4. Add set, subset, pagenum, timestamp naming to screen shots.
  5. In any case autosave or ask for saving when the all the pages are going to be dumped in case of mode changing or any other case not being aware of that dumping occurs without consent. Like accidentally take a screen shut and exit. What happens to the other pages?
  6. Give options to export pdf, ppt, slideshow, and animated giffs.
  7. Right clicking on the task bar icon gives a better interface with a set manager so the user can select a set to load. This will also require app binding check for the subsets bound on apps. If binded app is not loaded ask to load app or lock subset.
  8. When in window mode if I long press the pointer in a new page I get to define a new focus for that page.
  9. Give option to add pages in between.
  10. Add wrapping text
  11. Add math input panel support in text

There are some interesting apps that you can take some ideas. Screenspresso. Xjournal Wacom notes Scrible ink One note Mathomir is similar to one note math assistant. Is very light open source so you might find in it something interesting.

I point to these apps because now with page turning we get very similar behaviour and output can be similar too. We get the advantage of transparent window. IBut you really can add all the features they have. Imagine combining Mathomir in your white board.

ispyridis commented 6 months ago

I wanted to add that if you can implement application focusing and application launching then We are not talking about Sets and Sub sets but for Workspaces and sets . This would advance ppink to a new type of application. Where the user can define workspaces and take notes while multitasking . A hyper desktop manager. There is an app from lenovo called "smart displays" it keeps window layout setup grid on your desktop and you can select a layout to bring up. if some of the applications are not loaded, it triggers loading of the app otherwise it just brigs up the apps to the front of the window. it has a large interface unlike your app. but take a look at it you might get an idea how to implement something similar with the description i gave you before.