pulibrary / cicognara-catalogo

TEI encoding of Cicognara's catalogo ragionato
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Catalogo items with no dclib numbers #18

Open cwulfman opened 8 years ago

cwulfman commented 8 years ago

There are 763 items in the Catalogo Cicognara that do not have corresponding dclib numbers (cico:NNN identifiers). See attached CSV file; the first column is the xml:id of the item in the TEI transcription; the second is the Cicognara number of that item.


joycebcat commented 8 years ago

@cwulfman I assume these are the items which weren't available for filming during the fiche project, hence we have no catalog record. If you have matched all the dclib numbers already attached to a bib record to an item in the Catalogo, then you can attach as yet unassigned dclib numbers to the remaining items. As we fill out the collection with additional digital objects, the dclib numbers attached to the Catalog will become the definite source. Do you have the extra ids that Jon generated which haven't been used yet?

cwulfman commented 8 years ago

I have various spreadsheets with some extra ids in them, but it would probably be safer if you or Jon could send me an explicit list of unused ids. Would one of you mind doing that, please?

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

I'm confused. I think @cwulfman is talking about the TEI and @joycebcat is talking about the MARC records. Are we saying that we think there are 763 entries in the catalog that do not have corresponding MARC records? Is every MARC record we have accounted for in the TEI now?

This is crucial because digitization can't start until we have a clean digital cicognara number to catalogo mapping. I don't know the timeline for that yet, but I'd hate for it to wind up waiting on us.

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

I can't seem to find the list of IDs I generated. @joycebcat do you still happen to have a copy? Maybe you could remove the ones you used?

cwulfman commented 8 years ago

The following digital cicognara numbers are associated with a MARC record but not with any TEI item. At least some of these have "n.C.n" as the value for the cico subfield.

dcn voyagerid cico value
cico:cc6 8494058 MFC 128
cico:55p 8546077 n.C.n.
cico:bc8 8546411 n.C.n.
cico:czk 8546424 n.C.n.
cico:cnw 8546390 n.C.n.
cico:nnn 8546392 n.C.n.
cico:08p 8546418 n.C.n.
cico:58h 8546119 n.C.n.
cico:mc5 8546404 n.C.n.
cico:w4z 8546401 n.C.n.
cico:s7x 8546394 n.C.n.
cico:1cn 8546408 n.C.n.
cico:78h 8546117 n.C.n.
cico:0kd 8546364 n.C.n. IV M 61 (3)
joycebcat commented 8 years ago

@cwulfman I don't know how to attach a file here, so I will e-mail a list of unused dclib numbers.

cwulfman commented 8 years ago

Attached here.

unused numbers.txt

joycebcat commented 8 years ago

@jpstroop @cwulfman As I understand it, the volumes of the original C library which made it into the Vatican library and were still there when the filming took place were all filmed. Records for all those objects were created, and that is what we have loaded in our catalog with the 024s in them. Some volumes weren't turned over to the Vatican and maybe some got misplaced along the way and those were not filmed and hence have no record for me to put the 024s on. Digitization from the fiche should be able to start with what we have because there should be a match for everything that was filmed. I would be unwilling to guarantee that there won't be a gap because all the data points in this project are messy.

escowles commented 8 years ago

It sounds like we may not need to resolve these missing items before we can start digitizing the fiche (if all the microfilmed items are accounted for).

But do we think we could find MARC records for the items that weren't microfilmed? Could we find copies to digitize in the partners' collections?

joycebcat commented 8 years ago

We could find MARC records for some of the items in our own collection, and some from the collections of others. We need to have the list of the 763 entries which Cliff didn't find an initial match for.

cwulfman commented 8 years ago

Here they are, @joycebcat , in two formats: TEI and TSV.

catalogo-wo-marc.tsv.zip catalogo-wo-marc.tei.xml.zip

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

Speaking w/ Sandy, 763 seemed like a very high number to her, and she suggested that we pass those to Mark to analyze. Does that make sense to everyone?

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

@cwulfman and I have been comparing the speadsheet he generated with the partners' spreadsheet (referenced in pulibrary/cicognara-rails#15) and it seems like many of these are known issues that fall into a few categories.

jpstroop commented 8 years ago

Should we close this in favor of #20? It feels like there are a few too many issues about this floating around.

cwulfman commented 8 years ago

After updating the Catalogo with the recognizable "double numbers", there remain 672 Catalogo items without dclib numbers. @joycebcat , I've attached a tsv file of these, should you want to look at them. I'm afraid most of the rest of these are going to require some hand-work. catalogo-wo-marc.tsv.zip

cwulfman commented 7 years ago

@ma20 : Joyce Bell just contacted me about these. Specifically, she needs a dclib number added to Cicognara item 373 (Alberti, Leon Battista. I dieci libri dell’architettura...) so she can work with another of the partners. I will take care of this one, but I wonder of you or @jpstroop could update us with the plan for these.